I just tried that. Sorry, with my screen reader cannot figure out where to find the controls. The loading stuff plays and asks for what kind of voice I want but cannot figure out where on the screen to use any of the controls. I'm not trying to be difficult here or anything, just what is happening is all. I had this issue with the permission thing I mentioned before with another game for this jam too so maybe isn't just you having it.
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Unfortunately, I cannot play this. It downloads the .exe file but when I try and play it says you do not have permission to play this game. You might have some files missing or something like that. Would love to try this out but wanted to post this error just to play this game but wanted to post this error to be safe. Thanks for making this by the way. Once the issue gets fixed with playing would love to see how it turns out.
Looks like things are coming along well with all of the update stuff. glad this story is still going. haven't looked at anything game-wise in a while but been reading updates. Lots of medical and life stuff going on is all. But good luck in continuing this and look forward to see what comes out next for it :)
Also, thanks for the update. I have really enjoyed playing this game since it came out. It is similar to Degrees of lewdity but has it's own feel. And as a plus, I am blind and usually do not have any issues playing the game too. Took a bit to get used to how everything was organized on the pages, but was fine after that.
Well, that sucks. Life happens though sometimes. Wishing you and other Dev a quick recovery from being sick if you're not already over that :) Yeah, I got sick recently too, sucks. But life can be cruel and obnoxious. I rather you have time to work on the game and make it good and find any bugs and issues than put something out too soon that's not done so take your time. and Good luck :)
I also wanted to say as well that the part I did play of this game was really well-done. lots of customization, good accessibility for the blind, and just all-round cool things in the game. I even liked the love interests, and I'm not always the most fan of them sometimes (I'm very picky, nothing against you or any other game developer). That being said, that was a compliment on the love interests from me :)
I am a bit disappointed to hear the game won't be coming out in June. That being said, I am glad it's still being worked on. What I did get to play until the end of the demo was really good. and the blind friendly stuff was really good too since I am blind and all that ...
Honestly, I get the life is causing issues thing myself. have had a pretty rough year with getting sick, family stuff with surgery, a really important friend to me not feeling well, and some other stuff too. Take your time and get this done right when you are able and I look forward to the game whenever it gets finished.
Also, if you need someone to test another demo or something to make sure the accessibility part works out for the blind I can help out. let me know and we can figure out something for file transfers if that's the case. if not, that's fine too. :)
and good luck with continuing development of the game and also life stuff :)
I tried messing around with the controls you mentioned and cannot get past the combat tutorial still. For me, there are tons of buttons that aren't labeled, so that might be partly why. I tried using them and got status, items, stuff like that, but still could not find the thing that would let me continue the game. Not really sure what can be done here to make this doable though. Sorry, I can play games mostly like this, but coding or creating them is not something I can help with. The concept for the game is great though.
I've only had time to go through some of the first parts of the story, but looks good so far. The tutorial and stuff reads well with my screen reading software and haven't had any major issues so far with trying to actually play the game itself. will give more feedback though when i have time to actually sit down and play the game for longer though. honestly, I saw that yesterday, got distracted with doing stuff during the day, then finally got the game last night and it was late so didn't really get time to play tons of the game like I said.
Looks good so far. So glad that you're almost done with getting the voice acting stuff together *smiles* As for the kickstarter ... I don't have much in form of funds I can use on stuff that isn't really important (like a doctor's appointment I have tomorrow) but I will look into that in January. It's that I wouldn't help out with that if I could right now, but I need the little money I have left right now for stuff like that. Good luck with the stuff for this though and really excited to see this continue!
Glad everything's going well and glad you got over being sick so well (that really really sucks when it happens). Looking forward to seeing all the new stuff mentioned (especially the voice acting later since I feel for me, that really enhances the experience). As for accessibility with the stats for how you described them ... not sure how that will go with the format you described. From what you gave here, it'll be fine probably to just have the stats be given out based off what you do and choose in the game, but not sure on how blind software will deal with any of the rest of it. For the planet thing you mentioned using to tell which stat goes with which kind of attribute, it might be better for us to have it say a choice then say on the same choice part for that option that it goes wwith something (such as choice is "you say this to this character" and then it says strategic after).
Sorry I haven't posted anything for an update for a while. got busy with some things and honestly just forgot. Glad you're still working on the story though and can't wait to see anything finished to see for a demo later!
Hmmm ... romancible from that list. probably the maid. she sounds very fun. Leo could be fun too but I like the maid a bit more.
First of all, really like Sahi's idea. The rivalry between him and Lune is going to be epic and fun too. I can see them working together if they have common interests, but otherwise, they will seriously be at odds I think. The MC will havta find a way to make them work together at times and that sounds like a cool thing for the plot too (as long as there isn't tons of it all the time cause that would not be good for the kingdom lol).
About the fight question ... I don't know. My best prediction is that they're pretty evenly matched. Sahi is a great tactician, but I can totally see Lune using tricks and talking to mess with Sahi and making this a draw. And the best part would be that they would draw and hate it anyway lol. Just sounds fun and slightly awful to watch though too lol.
Can't do anything with the armor here. I do always like a good warrior though so there's that.
What's Sahi's personality like (a bit more detail, you did give some already). What position did he originally have with the guards? I know he's the general now, but if he has something like ... well a cross-specialty (fighting of course for this) maybe have him do that for a bit and his lt. can take over for him for a bit. Like if he's good with training and the army needs new recruits trained quickly, he could step in to help out with that for example in a crisis situation maybe. Just thinking from a tactical point of view here and if I were the king/queen here and there was a crisis with needing more recruits for the guards or with needing to train new people, if my general was good at that fore example, I would use everyone I could for training people.
Yeah, he sounds very interesting. glad you're getting things going for this game; some people have writer's block and it's just bad for them and everyone else so glad it's working out. not blaming you if you do have that mind. good luck and can't wait to see what else you come up with as this develops.
First of all, can't really say much for the design visually obviously since I'm blind. I can give a bit though based off that brief little thing at the end though. I'm not really into piercings but I don't really have a problem with it here (I won't focus on it since it's not my thing but don't hate it). Nothing else here.
For the route ... Hmm ... maybe he admires yos you and wants to help out with the kingdom (also his job but doing it to help you out too). he was helping your parents in the game, so maybe he developed fondness that way (at least to start anyway). Maybe you get some kind of character points toward him or something (relationship points if you will() for following his advice and doing good things for the kingdom. He could be suggesting the marriage with the other ruler but also maybe want war afterward and you could havta do something with that for the route ... Not saying that's a good thing in general, but could be a route option maybe with him. Say for if you decided to be a more peaceful ruler (no war of course,) or a ruthless tyrant (chaos or evil route or whatever you wanna call that here).
For the last thing ... I wanna know personality for this guy. Other than the basic idea of what kind of things I would expect him to do for helping you with the kingdom management itself, what does he act like and what kind of person is he? a good person or a bad person? someone who thinks good for the kingdom means that he will wanna expand trading and merchant stuff with other kingdoms or close the borders from that? stuff like that.
This isn't usually the type of game I play (there's nothing wrong with it, just not usually my thing) but I'll try it out anyway since I like your games usually.
I do have a question though:
Are you ever going to finish Tierramon or Symphony of Soil? I personally want Tierramon done first cause I'm a pokemon fan and it's similar to that, but the other game was interesting too despite that not usually being a type of game I play either.
Looks great! Will definitely continue to follow this until there's something playable to try out. You'll want someone to test out your accessibility features for blind people right? Plus, it looks fun and interesting so excited to see what you come up with anyway.
Couple of questions though:
voice acting planned?
combat planned?
If there's no voice acting, that's fine, just curious. I mention the combat due to a few reasons. As a ruler, you might need to fight your way out of something (or figh tin a war if something like that happens). That being said, there's also political stuff you could do instead or eve diplomacy. There's just so many cool stuff you could put in here and it's very exciting to wait and see what you decided on.
This looks very helpful! Thanks for typing that all out.
The only thing I can think of off the top of my head that will be an issue is the emblem thing. I have no idea where that option even is to be honest. Not only that, but if it's in images, it could also be a problem.. Could you tell me roughly the part of the story it's at so I can know to look for it at least? I'm guessing it's in chapter one (or the prologue) but not sure exactly where ...? Maybe that part where it's talking about giving Rafael a nickname? I do think there were some other options there too ...
Other than that, I think I can manage now with this. Most of the text in the game is read out anyway, just sometimes the choices are a bit hard to figure things out for (like when I choose my race, ugh that's difficult with my screen reading software). But thanks for the help and I'll try this out sometime.
I've been playing pokemon a lot lately and am pretty hooked on that. Will get to this though when I can and already saved it to the folder with the game files so can just go grab that and open it when I try the game out again.
And just to clarify, I can't see anything at all on the computer screen to read it. The pictures thing you mentioned for the emblems is helpful (I might ask one of my roommates to help with that bit if all else fails) but for me doing this by myself, it won't really actually help me. That's why I'm glad you used the format you did cause I can just save whenever I figure out there's choice options and then mess with the multiple choice until it gives me the choices I want.
Also, the scenario with the pirates where Rafael takes them all out on the boat (chapter 1 I think, it's been a while) does that have an impact on relationship points depending on how you deal with it? I'm not asking for a specific spoiler, just say if you act more brave, will it give points for one love interest over the other?
Thanks again,
Okay, thanks for the info. As I'm blind, I probably won't be able to figure out the personality traits thing very easily. That's why I was asking for a guide or something. If you don't mind that is. If not, that's alright. I still enjoy the game, so I'll keep playing regardless. And thanks for getting back to me so quickly.