I am a bit disappointed to hear the game won't be coming out in June. That being said, I am glad it's still being worked on. What I did get to play until the end of the demo was really good. and the blind friendly stuff was really good too since I am blind and all that ...
Honestly, I get the life is causing issues thing myself. have had a pretty rough year with getting sick, family stuff with surgery, a really important friend to me not feeling well, and some other stuff too. Take your time and get this done right when you are able and I look forward to the game whenever it gets finished.
Also, if you need someone to test another demo or something to make sure the accessibility part works out for the blind I can help out. let me know and we can figure out something for file transfers if that's the case. if not, that's fine too. :)
and good luck with continuing development of the game and also life stuff :)