Very fun game!
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Game is okay, but the screen feels waay too cluttered - it's hard to quickly distinguish what's background, what's an enemy bullet that i'm supposed to avoid and what's a collectible that i want. If the background didn't have bright street lamps and was overall darker and less vibrant, the actually important things would stand out more. The fact that things have an outline is good, since i can easily tell green=good and red=bad, but the problem is that the outline slowly flashes between white and green/red, so if i see an item with a white background, i don't know if it's good or bad.
And in general everything feels like it's too small. If everything was scaled up atleast 50%, it would be more noticable and easier to make out in the mess of colors.
Gameplay-wise, all enemies seem to die in one hit, which makes them feel more like annoying flies than worthy opponents - i think less but stronger enemies would be better.
And, ofcourse, the lack of sound makes the game feel... disconnected. Even a few simple sound effects and some music would go a long way.
The art, however, is great! It just feels a bit wasted...
I think I've found a BUG (although it's less of a bug, more of an unintentional skip?), or maybe it's completely intentional, I'm actually not sure.
since this is late game stuff (area "T2"), aswell as a potential solution i will use (as well as a LARGE ENDGAME SPOILER WARNING):
Fb, va Puncgre 2 bs gur terng orlbaq, lbh pna bognva gur juvgr bzrtn xrl.
vs lbh tb vagb cntr 7 ("cerpvcvpr bs gur oyvmneq") naq fnyintr gur ynetr oynpx pbzob qbbe gb bhgchg cbvag FVQ 9, lbh pna whzc ba gbc bs vg naq cnexbhe npebff gur gbc bs gur jbeyq gb gur bzrtn xrl.
V'z abg fher, ohg v qba'g guvax lbh'er zrnag gb trg vg guvf rneyl, znvayl whqtvat sebz gur snpg gung vg qbrfa'g frrz gb qb nalguvat.
V'z nyfb urer gb nfx sbe n fznyy uvag - v'ir whfg svavfurq gur terng orlbaq, ohg v'z abg fher jurer gb tb. Gur vatnzr uvag gryyf zr gb "gehfg grfg" gur jnec flfgrz, ohg vg frrzf gung gur jnecvat unf dhvgr frg ehyrf - lbh rkvg gur yriry ng gur fnzr cynpr lbh ragrerq vg, naq nernf ner nyjnlf ragrerq ng gur fnzr cbvag.
V'z hafher jung Furanavtnaf bar pna qb jvgu guvf.
the rocks should definetly be spawned in at the begining of the game, and the walk speed is very slow, could do with sprint and jump too. the begining of the game is feels realy slow, you should definetly start with less rest time, and/or cheaper upgrades. music and art are pretty cool though! also a way to exit the game without alt F4 would be nice, aswell as other settings(sound volume, but also the possibility of removing the post process effect as it may make some players dizy) also a very important thing: feel and feedback! if a player does something, anything, there should be as much (but not too much) feedback that they did something, that can be sound effects, particles etc. if you added particles to when you hit the rock, and a big particles explosion when you destroy the rock (maybe even a couple of rock debris fragments flying around) it would make the game feel a lot better, and engage the player more
even after i got all of the upgrades i couldnt be bothered to get enough points to launch the ship, because it just took too long.