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Hola naishaleonnn, porsiacaso el proyecto que estoy compartiendo es gratuito. Para descargarlo hay que hacer click en el boton verde que dice "Download Now", saldra una ventana y elijes "thanks, just take me to the downloads" y automaticamente te saldra la pagina de descarga (en la cual solo das click a "download" y ahi ya solito descarga)
Hi, thanks for this great plugin. I'm using Rpg Maker MZ, it works well (reproduce a random bgm music) but when the first music ends, music loop this first music (all music loop amount options are in 0) or stop and music doesn't continue. Command plugin for enabled not always works (sometimes nothing happens). Any idea or possible solution, please.
Hi Bluemoon, i bought it today, i have a problem, i am testing in my rpgmmz project (also in an empty project) and in both cases i can't see animated battler sprites (in any resolution). Please, any idea or solution for this?
Another problem that i notice, if the font size of the game is big (for example 40) it is showed over the name of parameter.
And for last, i would like to suggest that command window and stats window would be bigger in high resolution, because it left a lot of empty space. I hope you can continue developing this plugin, thank you.