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A member registered Aug 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Beloved snurp, I shall call you Bunny.

Updates for the game are posted here:

Thank you all for playing this game, and taking the time to give feedback. Thanks to the judges for playing the game and giving your own feedbacks.

I will remake this game one day after I finish my bigger project. :D

I'll make sure to fix that when I remake this game one day (sorry for the late reply)

I'm happy you enjoyed it :D

Thank you!

Dementia wasn't my idea here, more so just doing one last sweep of an old computer before putting it away for good. Thank you though, it means a lot that this turned out better than I originally thought, and it gives me hope I can maybe do the same with my other projects.

Yeah sadly that's just about as fast as rpg maker can do, not without other scripting. I could've made the map smaller to better help this. Otherwise, thank you!

Very fun little game, I loved it when a bird hit me MIDAIR and I died instantly. Good job lol

maybe one day I'll make a game about her

the grapple is so fun LOL it reminds me so much of ristar for some reason.

Fun game! I got stuck on level 6 because sadly the hamster upstairs is on strike and won't turn the wheel anymore. I had a lot of fun spamming the corruption button on the enemy and making it spaz out lol

I love the Exit 8 theme with this game, and I love the looping aspect. I kinda wish I could play different rooms and stuff cuz this was really fun to play! Great job

Very addicting lol, but the best part is definitely the theme that plays. It's so calming and I love it so much. It's a perfect theme for a game like this and the song makes the game 10x better. Wonderful job, 10 melberts out of 10 gorts!

I had a lot of fun zooming around, but sadly my computer can't run it too well lol. It was very fun throwing those glass plates at the baby looking things. Good job!

Awesome game. I loved it when I killed every small enemy in the game, then fell through the world 4 times before activating the special fever dream egg and finally then being trapped forever within the ceiling dimension. Keep up the good work!

Phenomenal game, I loved when Bronny completely eviscerated the alien bug dudes. 

I spent an 30 minutes trying to get the special unnamed thing for the sake of spoilers. It was so hard to do it, but otherwise kinda fun to keep trying. Good job lol

Awesome game. Had a lot of fun moving around, even if it was kinda hard to move fast with my tiny mousepad and reach lol. It was really fun but I suck at video games and I am still currently trying to beat it LOL

Thank you, I'm glad you do


Twas a fun game to play, I liked the room where everything was super big. Made me think of chibi robo. 

No worries! The game plays pretty good so far, I definitely had fun.  I found it funny when I held sprint while it was depleted and ended up making my character move super fast (at least visually).

He, is our one true ruler over all that is green, and all that is thriving. May his reach never cease to encapsulate us with love, life, and all that is warming. Melbert von Gubious, may the path of life present you with the pleasantries that follow from the smile gained from kindness. 

thank you, and your game was very nice too!

Thank you.

I'm happy I shifted all the colors to green as opposed to what it was before. It definitely fits so much better this way.

Very creepy little game, I love games that take place within one room that change and morph the room as you progress. Good job! 

Thank you!

Sorry that it doesn't have any gameplay or anything besides reading. Maybe one day I'll expand upon it lol

(1 edit)

my bucket glitched right as I was about to reach 75... it's over for me.

(1 edit)

Nothing. I kid you not, nothing. This is my first gamejam and I barely get enough time off work to make something bigger. I really wanted to participate though, so I tried to do something for it. Sorry, lol

Edit: I also really just wanted an excuse to practice and make music. 

Music and art were made by me.

Credit to Galv for his "DisableMouse" plugin

Played this game on steam, and it was fun for how small it was! It was a blast redrawing the sprites and I can't wait until you release another update so I can do it again :D

Currently have the floor tiles done but I have no idea how I'm going to make the game this time around.

been working on the game a lot btw

this image doesn't show much, but it certainly looks better than the last game lol

This one is a remake of the original draft copy I made before I started making Troy 

First project, and honestly it was really fun to make. Stressful at times, but fun.

Troy is a short 4 hour (or so) game about the final cycle of a seemingly endless loop to save your brother.  Go through eight different parts, each with their own monochromatic color pallets, unique songs for each room, and different enemies/bosses (to fit the color of the area) in order to end the loop and live your life in true heaven. The heaven of getting to see your blood live another day, another week, another year. 

I got a meme.  10/10