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A member registered Mar 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thank you! I definitely felt that all those were missing from the "final" product, but they were left out due to time and general burnout by the end. I may come back and update this after the voting is done, but I have an idea for my next game I'll start working on shortly. 

Thank you for the compliments and feedback!

Also, I loved your game! Definitely one of my favorites from the jam and Its awesome what you made!

Overall, I thought it wasn't bad. I like the concept, but one thing that would help is an explanation of the controls and goals at the beginning or in the menu.

Thank you! I definitely learned a lot and I'm excited to take that with me in my future games!

Thank you! Sorry the game crashed for you! Tried to get as many bugs sorted as I could.