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A member registered 39 days ago · View creator page →

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Hi.Thanks for the feedback, you're right, the hitboxes are a bit small, and I don't have a sprite for a hit. Thank you for playing.

Wow, nice game!

I like it much, thanks!

I was able to build a Web-Version:

Wow, I like the graphic, I like the music and I like the game play. Fantastic!!! 

Hey, thanks for playing and for your feedback, it made me really happy! I've added more information to the game page.

The description sounds great, maybe you could upload it again to a new project and post a link to the new project."

The game concept is a great idea, it stands out nicely from other games. Thanks!

I took a little while to figure out how it works, but then it was fun :-D.

After just a minute of playing, I already want more. Do you plan on continuing the development?

I like top-down shooters, and I like your game. Now I want more levels and weapons. By the way, when can I expect more levels and weapons? Next week, maybe? :-D

I like the game much, real GameBoy feeling. Thanks!

Unfortunately, the AppImage doesn't work without the correct dependencies (based on Ubuntu 24.04).