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A member registered Feb 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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Not yet! We're hoping he'll be able to resume at the beginning of next month.

The new update isn't out, but I'm hoping it will be soon-ish! It'll be a smaller one to round out all of Dina's endings and add a little more variety.

If I can think of a way to implement it in a way that I'm happy with, I could consider it!

I've been looking into making an Android/iOS version! It's a little complicated, but I'm hoping that it'll be available in the next update!

You were collect when you were attempting to click-and-drag them to the shaker in the middle. You're supposed to just click on it, drag it, and release it on top. I haven't seen any other complaints about it not working, so I don't know if there's something else going on. :c It appears to have worked for everybody else so far.

There are plans to add affection/relationships with other characters and let the player choose who to pursue!

It's hard to say. Currently, Marrazan has other obligations to fulfill, so any art assets are indefinitely paused until he's free. In the meantime, I'm organising and condensing a lot of code. I hope to have something done and ready by July or August, but I don't want to make any promises.

This is true. I'm looking into installing the proper means to package and distribute an Android version, but it's been a little more complicated and frustrating than I thought it would be. That said, I will continue to chip away at it to get it working for all of the people wanting to play on mobile!

I would love to! However, it’s ultimately up to Marrazan, the artist, because he’s the one that has to draw them.

You’re welcome to pitch the idea here if you’re comfortable with it! Otherwise, we can figure out a way for you to send it to me privately.

Do you have something you want to say or ask about the game? Feel free to do it here! This thread is intended to replace the Comments Section.

The Ren'Py launcher has the ability to build for mobile, so I could consider doing it if there's enough interest for it.

Thank you so much! I'm really happy you enjoyed playing it and liked the characters so much.

There will be more in the future if people choose to pursue the bonding path with Rory!

I don't know why a virus scan would turn up anything like that.

After a quick search, I found that this is a common occurrence. It's often triggered by specific code within Ren'Py or even by the executable's name, which can cause the antivirus software to flag it as a potential threat.

I assure you, it does not contain such a thing. I barely know enough about programming to make this game properly function, much less add a trojan or some other kind of malware, lol.

What can I say? I have a weakness for kemonomimi. Thank you for the compliment, and I'm happy you enjoyed the game so much!

Thank you for the feedback! I apologise if the content between Rory and Dina was uncomfortable or disappointing. I hope you enjoyed the rest of the writing unrelated to those interactions.

As these are significant characters I've had for numerous years, I don't want to change any of their sexes. However, I will add content tags so the players know what content they'll see when making choices. I could also probably add the option to skip those sections for individual preference and comfort. I'll also add the appropriate tags so nobody to the game so nobody else is caught unaware.

That said, in future updates, there will be more characters with whom to build friendships/relationships, so I'm sure you'll be able to find an interaction that suits you better!

I’m really happy you enjoyed the game so much! I thought about adding the number, but I also thought it might be more fun to let the players imagine whatever they wanted to.

The drink-mixing game will be expanded on in the future, like adding more ingredients, shaking or stirring drinks, and garnishes such as salt, ice, or slices of lemon! There was also consideration for memorisation, so look out for those in the future! I'm glad you enjoyed the game, though.

Holy cow, what?! I went to go look after I read this comment and saw it! That's unbelievable. I'm so happy you enjoyed it as much as you did!!

Okay, that's an easy fix. Thank you for letting me know!

That's what the game was styled after, so I'm glad you recognise the resemblance! I'm happy you enjoyed playing!

This means so much to me. Thank you! They're some of the most important characters I've ever created, so I wanted to make sure I did them justice and believably portrayed them. That compliment means a lot!

Thank you so much! The characters are my pride and joy, considering I've had them since I was in high school. Successfully creating the drink-mixing game was also a point of pride. I plan to expand upon what's already there and (hopefully) add in a few extra systems to keep people entertained between stretches of the VN. I'm so happy you enjoyed the game and its characters!

Does it show a grey silhouette that rays "rory," or does the game crash? If it's the first one, that's an easy fix because I mistyped her image name. If it's a total crash, I may need you to post the traceback and crash information.

Thank you so much for the kind words! I knew VNs were hit or miss for many people, so hearing that people who aren't ordinarily fond of them enjoy the game makes me really happy. I feel like that's a huge compliment to my writing and Marrazan's incredible art, so thank you again for giving our entry a try!

That is a huge compliment! Thank you so much for the kind words! Marrazan and I are both delighted that you enjoyed the game so much. There will definitely be more updates in the future, so keep an eye out!

We will not add AI-generated content to the game. If voice acting is ever added, it will be the voices of real people.

That would be very expensive, but we have considered doing it at some point. I would also love to find people to do translations. We're very glad you enjoyed the game, though!

I came up with all of the characters' designs, but Marrazan is the one who brought them to life. We both really appreciate the kind words! There will be updates in the future, so keep an eye out!

Thank you for posting this guide so others can experience the different endings! When it says drinking the bottle that Deidra (didn't) give you, is there currently an inconsistency where it asks you if you want to have Dina drink it, even if you didn't receive it?

Thank you! I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed it so much.

It's a mystery for the ages.

Thank you so much! That feels like a big compliment. I'm very happy you enjoyed it so much! 

Currently, players can mix the wrong drinks and receive a lower tip because of it (except for Rory, she's coded to be a "tutorial" and will always give the maximum tip as a result). I could consider adding an optional system like that in the future, though! I'd have to see how easy it would be to code into the options.

Thank you so much! I wasn't sure how well the drink-mixing minigame would be received, but I'm really happy to know that you enjoyed it!

4/4 is the biggest ending, yes. I'll add a little extra text to let the player know. Thank you for the suggestion!

Thank you! I'll make sure this gets addressed ASAP.

(5 edits)

Hello, and welcome to the Bumps & Brews bug-reporting thread. Your contribution is invaluable to me, as you may be able to locate a problem I would not have been able to find on my own.

Before you submit something, please check the list of recorded and fixed bugs, inconsistencies, and other problems. 

This game was frantically put together in three weeks for Preggo Game Jam 2, and it is my first-ever game project. Because it contains so many variables and possibilities, there may be typos, soft locks, missing dialogue, or improper/inappropriate reactions. If you find something you believe might be unintentional, please report it here so I can fix it later.

When you submit a problem, please recount as many details as possible that led up to it. This includes:

  • What in-game day did the problem occur?
  • Did it happen at Dina's apartment before breakfast, during lunch, after dinner, or somewhere else?
  • If it was a Ren'Py crash because of Python complaining, please copy and paste the traceback error into your message.

Thank you for taking the time to report any problems you find. I want to continue working on this project in the long term and make it the best it can be for anybody who plays it. By reporting problems, you are helping me achieve that goal.

Known Problems

Line 7242 Crash
Ready for Update
Rory image missing in 3rd endingReady for Update

Sadly, it seems like the 1000 energy one doesn't work! Otherwise, this is a very neat little game and I'm eager to see it continue developing!