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A member registered Jun 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Yeah we definitely didn't give ourselves enough time for some testing that would have shed light on these issues. In particular I'm sorry about the bug where enemies don't reset their position properly sometimes. I'm not sure what special case causes it, but I wish I had seen it in time to fix it.

Yeah I ended up working around the camera size I initially chose with the offscreen indicators and the proximity activated enemy attacks, so I probably should've had the good sense to just change the screen size early on. I unfortunately didn't see this as a problem early enough for me to have had to time to change many of the design elements built to suit that smaller viewport so that'll definitely be something I address after the jam.

Thank you for the reply, even if it wasn't a camera problem. I have since found out it was a problem with some GPU protocols reusing deallocated memory from the last frame shadows were drawn. My bad for not getting more people on different computers to test it before submitting but that's to be expected with such a time limit. 

Not sure if this is my fault but while the blue tiles were mostly the only solid tiles sometimes there are just random invisible walls and also with no indication of depth I kept seeing the blue tiles as just another piece of the floor instead of a solid wall. I also didn't realize you hit the menu buttons by hitting them with a projectile rather than clicking so at first I accidentally quit a lot. Aside from that this is pretty run and I enjoyed the speed of the character and running by to hit turrets.

(2 edits)

EPILESY WARNING: Some have seen a bug where the shadows persist so every object continues to draw a line of shadows. If you get this bug it can sometimes flash very rapidly as more shadows get drawn. This is a consistent problem on some computers. I have a fix for this problem but I can not fix it until jam rating is over. Once jam rating is over I will fix this problem with the shadows along with other bugs and some design issues. I've learned a lot from this game and having to release for the jam.

I'm just going to add a disclaimer here in case anyone doesn't see the one on the page. This game is broken and it is impossible to finish the first tutorial level. I can not upload the simple fix to the problem until after the jam is over so if you are interested in this concept being used in actual puzzles you have to return after winners have been declared(which I believe happens on July 12th, but don't take my word for that). As for how you should rate this game knowing it is broken it is up to you and I am fine with whatever rating you give for whatever reason.

(2 edits)

To anyone who is playing this to rate it in the 2020 United Game Jam the last version uploaded is unfortunately bugged and the skin deep tutorial level can't be finished. I already have a fix for this but I cannot upload it until voting closes and the jam ends.

I'm sorry to let you know just now, but due being busy with other projects it is unlikely this game will get another update. I think I might've started working on one 8 months ago and if it is close to completion I might eventually finish it but even then it probably won't come soon.

I do actually have a lot of plans for this game but they are going to take a while. I will make it downloadable when I release the next update.

Yes but I will definitely have to fix some bugs with them

The update was published 21 days ago late on Labor Day. Does it not show up for you?

I have been working on an update in my free time and I should be able to get it out by Labor Day.

Very nice I like the risk/reward system for holding the button down longer. I don't quite get what holding right click down and left clicking is doing but otherwise the theme was very well realised.

I must say I am throughly impressed with the gifs though sadly I cannot play all of them because I have a mac

For those who are interested here is my game(I could not figure out how to upload a gif so here is a picture):

thank you guys for all the feedback I didn’t think my game was going to do this well this is my first game jam and I didn’t realize you could request a team

Here is my game about killing groups of enemies with one bullet you can control for anyone who wants to try:

My personal best on it is 25,000, good luck beating that.

Weirdly enough jump is the "z" key

The ideas here are really promising i hope you expand upon it much further

Even after reading the controls I don't understand how anything works. I'm sorry but I don't I can even understand this well enough to rate it.