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A jam submission

Dungeons V.S. DiceGuyView game page

Complete dungeons by equiping and using items on each face of your die.
Submitted by RemiliusTheRat, Logical Extremes (@LogExtremes), BigCheese73, saiou — 57 minutes, 42 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The player character is a 6 sided die that can pick up and use items on each of its rolling faces.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The idea is pretty cool... When you fail a level, the enemies do not go back to their starting positions. Fun game, though!


Yeah, we barely crammed in that undo function, it had some issues and some we didn't catch


A bit rough around the edges, but, pretty smartly designed, I found it a bit difficult to figure out how to position the items to use in specific directions and the sounds could be balanced a bit better, the error in particular is a bit harsh on the ears, but, once I wrapped my head around moving and positioning I had a fair bit of fun, it's a good challenge, nice job!


I like the idea, but I felt the execution could be better. Other already pointed out the slow speed and error sound. I also found that some levels become unpayable as enemy locations aren't reset on failure.


Yeah we definitely didn't give ourselves enough time for some testing that would have shed light on these issues. In particular I'm sorry about the bug where enemies don't reset their position properly sometimes. I'm not sure what special case causes it, but I wish I had seen it in time to fix it.


A nice twist on cube-rotating puzzles :) Faster movement would have been very nice, though, I think it's always good to have the player able to complete a puzzle almost as soon as they understand the solution.


I agree, we had to rush the puzzles and path-finding complicated the rhythm of the game too..


The art is good, puzzles getting harder but it's fun!


Lovly game, tho you missed to place the key on level one.

It wasn't too obvious that you rolled at first but you realize it under the tutorials, same with how items works.

The "Error" Sounds is really loud..

Faster movement would be nice, and you could make all the enemy move at the same time to lower the wait time, feels clunky when you try to make more moves at the "same time".

Last level was my favorite, more levels with multiply of the same item! ^^

Some levels reminds me on a rubik's cube in a way where you have to move around in order to get into the right position.

Puzzles gets hard and i hope to see more levels and item mechanics in the future ^^


Thank you for the detailed feedback!


Fun Little puzzle dungeon crawler


Very creative concept - storing different inventory items on each side of the die. I like it, but I think there might be a problem with one of the levels. There's no key to open the door.


Yeah, we realized too late, we submitted sort of last minute..


I feel ya. I've been doing this jam for 3 years and every time I missed some sort of problem. Good job on everything else though.

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Damn, I love this game. I don't think I have seen this type of game before so it is very original. Plus the art is fantastic, Everything is dancing it is so beautiful. The only thing I wished for was that moving around was faster.

If you can, you should definitely port this into html, more people should play this.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, I agree, faster movement would definitely help the game... in my defense, I did not code that part. (the enemy's turn at least... I'm a little responsible for the movement speed)
Unfortunately the HTML5 export decided to fail on us last second so we decided to just keep it download only.


That sucks bro. But I still think this game has a solid chace to be a top game.


Maybe... some of the games are very unfinished. And some feel like the dice theme has just been shoehorned in...


Ahaha yeah, I'm quite sure some people just submitted their side hustle game.