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A member registered May 25, 2022

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check the Autosaves to see if there's some hope. But I think you cant progress the Orc war stuff 

Is there an efficient way to buy succubus leaf? Or anywher to buy it except for the witch? (For update reasons)

He doesnt come back if you give him the love potion. Did you at least save before doing it?

That area is only used during the Orc War storyline. You need to keep progressing to do it.

You can only do it at the end of the Werewolf storyline

Yes. There has been for a while now. You get some warm clothes from the dwarves and make a warm potion i think its called. Then you go up the mountain

(1 edit)

Anyone made a fanmade guide yet? I'm pretty lost

First you have to train in the gym a few times, then talk to Vic so he teaches you how to grapple, then that becomes available in the fight.

One of Reynard's convos is about teasing Iron or something (I never read him :v) and after that teasing him becomes available during the grapple. Tease him until he's hard and then whether you top or bottom it'll count as winning


I see in the guide that there's a scene when taking the lizard's to Bareshade with Rhot and Logan, but I can't get it to happen. I have bottom Logan and 21 like with Rhot. Do I need to do something else??

Sadly I think you can only do it if your fight with Tank in the bandit camp ended with sex. That's what I've seen at least

This new update title reminds me of Hollow Knight

Do you need scrap to progress on the plates thing in the yunkyard?

Does the feminine juice have an effect on other enimies that arent the tar beings?

Thank you so much qwq

Now I've got every memory unlocked. Question tho, if I go into a memory that I unlocked with low corruption and then open it in the Gallery with higher corruption, does the corrution version show or does the normal one show?

Help 😩

I'm going crazy trying to find both the memory that "looks burnt and sticky" and the one with the slimy green cast close to the forge

How do you get them???

You have to finish the game to see it

there is another way lmao

Its just in late game. When you get to pray to the statue of the dragon in the painting you can offer it Labrador Tea and it will give you an item that reduces corruption by 5

It's slow but it's the only way I know 

What can be equipped in the binds and "..." slots? I've gone through the game twice but I haven't found anything that I can place in those 

I have a question. How does corruption level increases?? I've seen go from 1 to 2 to 3 but I don't know what exactly it is that is raising it 

How many scenes are there in total for whoring in Entice?

witer's with labrador tea (I think that was the name. You get the leaves by exploring the snowy area). For Witer's prayer to work you need to know his name first tho

Doesn't Jorgen sell Iron?

I read the guide and did what it said but idk if its in a specific route or what and i love the game but i dont wanna play through the whole war again

its ebb, frode and Witer :p

Just ask them how they pray

Such a bummer, I was excited to finally be able to play it

same here. I wonder if its my pc tho

Is it possible to enter the Orc's camp?

I can't find the mysterious figurine in Burry's kitchen 😣

Someone help please 

Is there a way to get a second heart with logan

You have to go to Home to study the illness, then you'll have to go find the priestess of the lizard tribe and ask her about one of the ingredients for the cure, after that you just make it

I started a new file and I forgot how to "unlock" Torben's name. The game still refers to him as Merchant. Help pls

How do you get the Lizard's loincloth?

I've only seen it on the cheat code list but idk how or where to get it.

Thanks a lot for the help, I'll do that then

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I cant progress on the "Rat Problem" quest, help

How do I take Tao to the stone tablet???