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Retro Spud

A member registered Mar 07, 2024 · View creator page →

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Hi! It is already in a megapack!

Yeah, mixamo in this case. 

Sorry, no. They're just rigged humanoid characters. You should be able to use humanoid animations.

Hmmm... I have not tried to use ue5. Can u email me with more details?

Not right now, sry. Will let u know once I do

sorry, no commissions at the moment :( 

Just played the prototype. Loved it! Saw a part of my character at the end, great work!

I'm sorry to hear that you have this problem. Can you write me to so we could discuss this further and I will try to help you resolve it. 

Not necessary, unless you want it. Let me know when you release ! 💪

I think there are 2 or 3 models that won't load to Mixamo, but the animations from Mixamo or any other humanoid animations works.

The HDRP PSX demo should have them, link in the description.

Did you buy this character megapack or way back when it was a bundle? An older version of a bundle does not include new models, that's how works I suppose. However this character megapack gets updated, just download the zip again.

You should be able to use humanoid animations, you can download them from Mixamo or try to find some other ones online that fit humanoid rig.

I looked into it a bit more, it looks like I can customize it more than I thought. It should be possible to cleanly separate assets. Thanks

I wondered if a single person can have multiple accounts to sell assets for 2D, 3D , different styles so they would not mix up in a single profile ?

Thank you ! Happy development!

Playstation 1 / low poly retro style :)

Sorry it took me so long to respond, sent you a discord invite!

It's a simple humanoid rig, Mixamo animations works on them.

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Thanks! They are not rigged with Mixamo. But yeah, it's still a humanoid skeleton. In Unity I just use exported Mixamo animations on them. But if you need, you should be able to import models to Mixamo also.

Replied, I hope we can resolve this for you.

What exactly is wrong? I have no problems importing into 4.2.1 , glb format should work. You can write me to , I will try to help you figure this out.

Write me to , we can talk. :)

Yup, thats the idea after couple more "horror".

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I thought it's 0% because I think it said  withholding tax - 0% and  Royalty Copyright - 10%. I wasn't sure what Royalty Copyright is..
Is this based on my country or something else ?

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Might have over looked something. Checked it again, you're right it's 10%. Thanks for the help anyways!

Will have it mind, might do it later. Thanks!

So I should do a 1st payout for it to adjust ? Thanks

So I started selling on , After the Tax Interview it said I'm eligible for 0% Tax withholding , but I still get 30% withheld in Payout page. Is this a bug? Will support help with it ?

Nice! Glad to hear! Have fun!

Check your email. I sent the Big Foot to you! Thanks for your support!

I'm sorry to hear that! These models meant to be low-poly. I hope you'll find a use for them. I have a zombie pack in my to-do list. Also added Samara to the list, so should do it in the future. Thanks for your support and inspiration my friend!

Big Foot is out! Hope you like it. :)

Write me to , we can talk. 

Nice! Looks really good!

Have fun!

I have added glb format to all models. Let me know if it works all right, have not tested much. GLB should upload with texture to Godot.

Sorry to hear that, I didn't knew :O Never used Godot ^^ Glad to know. Will try to update all the models! Thanks!

I love it!