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Curtis Pelissier

A member registered Apr 23, 2016 · View creator page →

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What is it?

BaseTool is a Unity package, made for UPM (but downloadable as .unitypackage), containing many time savers tools and features for your project. It can be installed at any time in the development process (pre-prod, proto, prod) and could be used by pretty anyone.

The package targets the Unity 2021 and later ; it is still in active development and will be maintained as long as I will use it in my projects. That's why I share it to everyone: it became one of packages I always install in any Unity project I work on.

The current version is 0.3.0 on the main branch, but I'm working on the next version that will fix many bugs, improve stability and add more components to modules.

What are modules? The package is organized by modules that can be enabled or disabled. The main module is named "Core" (the one you can't disable though). Currently, three other modules exists: Movement, Shooter and UI. More will be developed later (Roguelike, RPG, Platformer, eg.).

Key features

  • a Dev Console natively included at runtime ;
  • a Todo List window to check you project state ;
  • a singleton pattern to put on your MonoBehaviour ;
  • the cooldown class to avoid wasting time reimplement it everywhere ;
  • dictionaries that can be serialized in the inspector ;
  • game event flow using ScriptableObject ;
  • GetComponent attributes to retrieve components when you want ;
  • movement and shooter features ;
  • many editor attributes ;
  • many class extensions (for Vector3, arrays, camera...) ;
  • and many small but great features...


Link to the Itch page :
Link to the GitHub :

What the hell, this boss fight is so cool. The concept is really well executed and fits perfectly the theme. Hope you will make a boss-rush game with this quality

Your games seems cool, you can try ours too :

Ah ok xD you could have made, at least, a black screen with "Thanks for playing" or something like that

Yes, it seems like the bad ending is the most common that players got. This is a level design problem that let the player doesn't understand why the jumpscare exists.

I'm easily scared, so it was hard to play x) That was really spooky. I though you made a jumpscare

We need some ratings to reach 20 ^^

Great experience, this is incredible that you made it in only one week. But I'm stuck: I opened the door where I'm facing a map. And I don't know what I must do after? I tried to interact (because it is marked as I can), but nothing happens.

Adding an easter eggs is not authorized. You can fix major bugs only (or create a build for another target)

Following the rules, if you didn't change anything in the game, you totally can upload your game as WebGL. Even after the publication. But you need to do that on your game itch page's

Hello, you can test our entry :
I will test yours asa

Ok! That's the true ending ^^ Pretty everyone seems to get the bad ending 😅

Good entry, the game is too short, I wanted more 🙁

So far, one of the best game I played this jam. I love the concept and your theme interpretation. I don't like the art direction which is too much "Paint.exe style" ; but the game is terribly fun and innovative! Congratulations, really strong entry!

Thank you! Which end did you get?

The twist? Which end? 😅

yes, but there are still many bodies, even if you only killed 7 x)

I'm sorry you got the bad ending, it is definitely the most terrifying one. The other is not so scary. Thank you still ^^

(1 edit)

That was I thought, but I was not! Here is what happened:

1 - I picked the left door
2 - Monty opened the right door
3 - He does not offered me to change (so, the door I chose was the green door)
4 - I open and it was red

So my interpretation is :

1 - Monty chooses a door (1/3 chance)
2 - If player chooses this door, the mechanism works
3 - If the player does NOT choose this door AND Monty opens the choosen door, the mechanism could not apply
4 - So, the player still have 1/2 chance to get the green door

I'm not telling it's bad idea, it's totally fine following the Monty Hall problem as well, but for a jam game it's really too random and frustrating. 

Wow... So much time spent on the light projector puzzle... I found it really unintuitive, because even when I set the right color, it sometimes resets at the start ; it's frustrating.

Also, the switch addition puzzle is really hard to read because I wasn't really sure where the switch button was pointing (up or down). So it was 1/2 chance with the solution found 🤷‍♂️

For everything else, this game is pretty well polish, using UI packages, good light settings, options, credits, feedbacks, etc... (imo the music is out of context and could have been something else). This is actually a good virtual escape game and I wonder how it could have been with much time. Glad to played it, congratulations and hope you will continue!

We are looking for a complete feedback about our experience. We need to understand what could be better :

I'll rate and post a feedback for your game too asap

(1 edit)

Actually, yes I'm happy. But this ending was not meant to be the first players would faced 😭

From France With Love 😘

Excellent jam entry. You can be proud of you. Some optimization to do (because it slows down really hard on a GTX970), but everything is cool. Nice ending too


Nice horror game, but I couldn't find the key to the basement 😥

Hey hey, rated your game! You can check ours then

The art is really impressive for a jam. This is not the kind of game I'm playing, but the concept is cool.

Making the game creepy and getting that ambiance were our main goal.

The jumpscare you are talking about is what we call the "bad ending". The "true ending" can be done by not turning off the switch that displays the window. This way, you will see that you are "stuck" in a loop. And you must go backward and enters the room by the opposite of the loop. We are aware that too much people are getting the bad ending only, and don't go to the true ending after... That is a level design problem... 

Here is our !

Game is cool, nothing much to say ; you should reduce the delay between the report and the answer, because it is really long to stay in front of the door, waiting the resident to be replaced.

Nothing much to say, it's pretty cool. The theme is well done and has some replay value, nice job

Done 👍

Good idea, based on "The Cube" concept. But really too hard. Also, I can't reload my weapons ; so I just died arriving in the room of 3 turrets.

Humour, music and game is pretty cool. But too much random. I can reach the level 4 only... Level 1 is full random (or I don't understand the mechanism) and level 3 says : "Monty chooses a loosing door. You will be offered a switch if you choose this door" ; so if I choose a loosing door, I should get an offer, but I got nothing and opened the wrong door. I think that's because if Monty open the door he chooses first, the mechanism doesn't apply and we still get 1/2 chance to open a bad door.

Thank you for your detailed experience. It is very important for us to understand how people played the game, because it is our first horror game.

There are several reasons explaining the monster art: 1) I’m not artist, so I’m bad at drawing 2) the design is related to the story which begins in the game page description, and ends with the real end (it seems you only got the bad ending)

Thank you, our focus was on the lighting, SFX and confusing level design. So it's a success if you liked it ^^

Great, that was totally our goal. A brutal cut with a bait at the start of the game (backyard). Glad you liked it 😁

Which one? 😉

No way you liked the backyard 😂 I'm programmer, I really bad at art stuff
Thanks for playing though