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A member registered Jul 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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could u describe how u got the bug? would be very helpful! thanks for leaving a review :)

Thank you for the kind words! Being on Mark's end-of-jam wrap up video would be a dream come true :)

honestly I would suggest focusing on providing more immediate feedback on the progress :) I think the payoff is better when I know what the stakes are as a player

love the art style!! great design, great sound. super solid submission man :)

sigh… it had a camera scroll but it ended up being broken and i removed it just before the end of the jam ;( but thanks for playing!!!!

awesome job. This is really cool mechanic, I wonder if you were able to slide down platforms to get more momentum? really solid art, design, music production :)

:) appreciate the comment! yeahhhh the physics was really hard to figure out. we spent so long tuning the controls -- it was even more broken before haha. glad you enjoyed!

thank you so much! 

haha thank you, appreciate it!

love the artstyle quite a lot!! I wish it was easier to tell which items I could interact with -- that's really my only piece of feedback. music is also fantastic. great work, and thanks for checking out DudeStack :)

this is such a great artstyle. I agree with the other comments about it taking me a little bit to figure out the circle. Are the rocks procedurally placed? it seems like there's really big gaps sometimes. love the music too! great work.

yeah no problem and thanks!

yep I totally hear that! makes sense about the scale thing haha

love the concept! i think I might've been having some issues -- I scrolled the size of the wall to be too big, pushing aside the other walls. Then i shrunk .. now there's a massive hole in the wall haha. I thought I had somehow hacked my way out of the room but I think this actually broke some of the collision objects in the room. After a few tries, I got it working! great concept, would love to see this polished up :

lol I am smashing all the keys dfjasfklsdhjajkl;fjadskl;fjadskl;fjdakls;fjkl;dasjfkl;adsjfkl;dasjfkl;adsjfkl;adsjfkl;adsjfkl;adsjf he is speedrunning that mountain

(1 edit)

neat little game. hard to balance which decisions are going to work out the best -- feels like I am not getting good feedback on how my settings actually affect the meters. maybe displaying percent change could help? or visualizing it somehow.. I really liked the pop-up events, really nice touch! 

very cute! I only wish the scaling was the same between the reference and what you're actually building. also, having some kind of feedback as to how close the part is to the 'absolute' location on the blueprint would be helpful! great work!

love it so much!! our game concept also started off as a physics editor/style puzzler. I can definitely resonate with how tough tweaking the friction / acceleration can be. really really good, hope this makes it on the GMTK video :)

love the dithering shader! overall a very cool vibe, I wish there was a more immediate way of knowing how much I've progressed so I could manage my stamina and hunger better. great work though!

super creepy. love it! gross sound effect when you get crush by bend hahaha. I'm a little confused about how to escape -- I get to the other side of the road and am prompted to press R. Then the level restarts? not sure if I am progressing or not. Great work anyways!

Loved this little game! game feels great, I would just like to see the 'holding' objects mechanic a little less floaty, like I mentioned on your page. It also took me a moment to figure out the button weight stuff, but it seems easy enough to fix with a prompt of some kind. great work!

Love the music and atmosphere of the game! the platforming feels really smooth; one suggestion I would have is to make holding objects a little less 'floaty'? it feels a little unpredictable where the box will end up and collide with the player :) Great job!!