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Robìn ✨

A member registered Jul 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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You've been doing such great and cool work on these filters.

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May I get a shortcut to saving my project?

Idk if it's bc of it being early development or that I have a Rev B model, but it constantly crashes when adding/removing nodes.

Having to scroll to the top of the list to save only to go back down in a bit tedious with how much it crashes.

If there was a faster way to save, even if its the PD menu

Oh, and perhaps a toggle to load the previously used project upon startup would be nice.

I've made some nice sounds with this and would like to continue but it's crashing so much that I end up loosing both progress and motivation. :'(


I was so eager to try this and was surely amazed by it.

Fantastic work, Sarge! <3

So cool!! 👽💬

This pieces you've made with this have been incredible.

I'd love to try this program at some point, but just seeing the updates with your art is so charming.

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It's a secret! ;D

Thank you very much! UuU

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I minimized the options, made auto-update and fixed-tiling true by default, and also added some extra touch buttons. My tablet has a very small resolution (1280x800), so screen space is quite valuable to me.

Thanks for the update!
It's super rad. c:

Ah, darn. I hadn't thought of the rounded brush tiling issue.
Such a shame that patterned brushes aren't supported better by the program. UnU

Anyway, as the extension is as it is now, I love it and it helps a ton. Thank you. c:

I only took a small peak at the Aseprite API when making a touchscreen undo/redo button and I saw ya use some arrangement of pixels in your code to generate the patterns. 

I didn't look too deeply into either, but it all looks more advanced than what I understand atm. I can't (yet) image the amount of work that went into it. 

Thank ya so much for making this tool. It's helped a great deal with making variably shaded drawings for the Playdate.

Any chance ya could add a zooming/panning feature of screenshots?
My immediate reference is the Switch's gallery app.

I never would have known how much fun Game & Watch actually was until these ports.

Thank you <3

Any chance of adding rounded brushes or pressure sensitivity in the future?

Where did ya get those loops?

The second one is really good. 😳

It works swell!

Thank ya so much for this app.

Very cool. c:

The clicks of the numbers are so lovely.

Super cool. c:

Very cool music. c:

Nice song!

Has me wantin' to keep playing just to hear it.

It sure does!

Just tried it on two different machines.

Thanks for lettin' me know. UuU

Super charming. c:
Good luck! :D

Would love to use this, but I got a Rev B. device. 😢
Good luck w the project! :D

This is so cool.

I'm not seeing the extension, either.

I installed it as I would any other script and I do not see it within the Edit menu.

I'm on Aseprite v1.2.40

So cool! 🐙

Love this so far!
I haven't made anything with the filter yet, but throwing my old work into it looks pretty promising.

Thank you so much for making this. c:

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Thanks for the compliments! Glad you found it so appealing.

There is an ending. c:

Haha, oops. 😳