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Richard of TND

A member registered Feb 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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No, TMP V5 doesn't support this.

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Yes. This will be coming this Saturday evening. Tape Master Pro V5.0 aims to be one of the best Tape Mastering tools for the C64 if you like things like Ocean Loaders. :) 

Strange game with a simple concept but clever.

Not a bad game with some quite clever ideas. I like that you have to go to the bottom of the screen to charge up your laser beam to fight those nasty aliens. This proves to be a big challenge. This game does feel like going back to the early 1980s. Although I didn't have my Commodore 64 until 1990, and I did buy very old budget games that were being sold on the shelves back then.

Nice looking game, at its early stages. It is very rare that homebrew developers make 3D car racing games like what we used to play in the 1980s and 1990s. I do hope it does get finished. 

Thank you, it was great fun developing this game. 

Yes. This will be happening with version 5.0 in the near future. I started development on it about a week ago.

I'm surprised that I didn't already comment about this game production. The game is technically quite stunning and modern. I really love the graphics. The game play is also very good. I am really amazed with how much has been crammed into 16KB for the Commodore 64. Well done. This would have made a great commercial game back in the good old days of the C64 if it was released back then.

Thank you. With less time for game development nowadays and a lot of distractions around the scene. I had loads of fun making this game over the past 4-5 months or so. There will be new releases from me, but not as often as they used to be. 

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Ah thanks. Also for the video of the game in action. Sadly I didn't get much time to make a video of my own for the game as I have been too busy since the release of the game. I'm currently making an example game with Alf Yngve for the next version of the SEUCK Title Screen Maker V1.7. I have also started work on Tape Master Pro V5.0. The next game release after that could be my 4K compo game "Weights and Crates" for Craptastic 2024. I won't go into much detail about it as I won't be starting it for a couple of months yet. 

I am very intrigued to see the final release of the game. I hope all goes well with it.

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Nice sequel to the Codies' Vampire. Nice clean graphics, and animation. I expect this is possibly a sequel to the original Vampire?. 

I played the remake and really enjoyed it, although it is mighty tough to play. Never mind the bad comments about remaking a really bad old game. I actually did that before in 2011, making it more better and fun :) Well done.

Mind bending puzzler and quite an original idea also. Nice graphics, and music. Well done.

Not a bad game. It is pretty challenging against the computer, but two player mode might be fun if there are human opponents to play against. This might be good for parties :)

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Brilliant Maze, to me is absolutely "Brilliant". I loved it :)

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Yes, there will be a new version later on this year (V5.0). I intend to bring back this feature, and also add music fade (for tunes that use $D418) volume support and also a version that can use hi-res bitmaps as well as multi-colour. I hope to get it done before Summer 2024. I doubt I will be using the built-in packer like I did with V4.0 because of the turbo saver routine it used. Instead, I'll probably code my own routine that combines everything together, relocates the tape mastering code and data and then execute it.

Eariler on, I was asked if it is possible to be able to load in existing text and colour assets from title screens that were made with version 1.5/V1.5+ of the SEUCK Title Screen Maker. I can confirm that it is possible. However you will need either an Action Replay / Retro Replay cartridge or a Machine Code Monitor.


To save existing text from Version 1.5/V1.5+ use:

S "TEXTANDCOLOUR",8,7160,7660


To load existing text (Credits + colour and scroll text) from version 1.5/1.5+ use:



If using VICE, use:
S "TEXTANDCOLOUR" 1 7160 7669

Great single button game, with simplistic graphics and design.  Good music, highly addictive. Well done. :)

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What a great looking game, with superb music and excellent graphics. As a bonus, Corescape is not a multiload. I think it is really awesome on my Ultimate 64. Also I really think it is one of your best creations since Plekthora. Well done. Let's see some more cool blasters :)

A completely different game inspired by the T-Rex games (With a big difference too).

This is a pretty decent homebrew racing game for the C64. Well done.

Thank you. Well, sadly this is my very last game for 2023 but there hopes to be more in 2024, including Alpacalypse and a few more when I get the time that is.

Nice graphics and decent music. Sadly the game genre isn't to my liking but it was worth checking out. Still a very good effort, and I am sure many other gamers will probably enjoy your game. :)

Nice cartoon graphics, and game is very difficult. Still a good effort. :)

Thank you. I'm sure Alf will appreciate this as the game is mostly his work. I mainly did the enhancements and music.

Excellent playable preview. Superb hires graphics and excellent music. It reminds me of Databyte/Parker Bros' classic "Montezuma's Revenge". I really look forward to seeing the final version of this game when it comes out.

Burger Time is tough but it is heck of a lot of fun. Nice graphics, and the game play is very addictive. I love it.

Thanks for reporting this. I have updated the page.

This game is absolutely superb. Nice graphics. Very addictive game play. I definitely give it another go at some point. Well done :)

I saw this game live at Zzap! Live 2023 and I was really looking forward to seeing it in action. It looked really great. Now I finally got the chance to purchase a digital download of the game. I'm really looking forward to playing this game on my Ultimate64. Nice one ICON64 + Psytronik ;)

Nice graphics, and amusing sound effects. The game is quite fun to play also. I would love to see an update where there is music. The player is shooting visible bullets at the meteors and also a hi score table - but of course it is your game and it is up to you :) ... Oh, and well done :)

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I only code for C64, and occasionally build small games using Unity.

A very basic and fun concept which really works. Well thought inside the box. Well done.

A mind-bending puzzler which really tricks the mind. Pretty good puzzle game also. It had me hooked to it last night. I am still trying to escape level 7. Well done. :)

It is harder, as it should have been. Instead of wasting all of your bullets. The idea is to make sure you have more bullets and less aliens. If the quota of the aliens count is higher than the bullets count. The game is supposed to end with  "GAME OVER" due to the player being too weak to destroy the aliens.

If you are using VICE V3.7, then perhaps your joystick is mapped to joystick port 1 instead of port 2. Joystick port 1 is mapped to the "Control" and "Back Arrow" keys, which represent "pause" and "abort" game

Clever concept to a traditional C64 maze game. Cool tricks. Great atmospheric music. I hope you can get this game  finished. Well done Proton :)

Nice to see one of my really bad C64 Shoot Em Up  Construction Kit games from my school days in 1991 appear as a remake :) Ha, ha, ha :) Nice :)

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Very casual and addictive puzzler. Pretty hard at first but becomes easier after you manage to solve the problems. The hardest stage for me so far is Level 7. It is full of nasty surprises. Good game overall.