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A member registered May 26, 2020

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wow… what a great update. I love being able to move more freely instead of having to teleport. And the clocks being local time are a great addition. And all the Other updates are really great. And it seems to run so much better too. Thank you for sharing this great experience.

kindest regards, Richard

Interactivity would be great. I’m so looking forward to what the future holds for this great project. 👍🙂

thanks for letting me know about the ChatGPT update. Not putting any pressure on you but just wondering about the Eagle Cockpit and how that’s going. 

I’m looking forward to the update, how ever small. It’s just great that your project is moving forward. I’m know we’re all grateful for your outstanding work in bringing a living working Moonbase Alpha to life and giving us all a chance to relive our childhoods. Many thanks, Richard

Good morning, I guess it’s evening for you…. Hasn’t time flown by! Just wanted to say that I still look here daily, it seems to have become a habit for me, but a good habit. 🙂 and I’m sure many others do the same… hope alls going well for you and your family. Things seem to be quite busy on the Anderson front with many Books and Products being released. Quite impressive for TV Shows decades old.. just shows the love we all have for quality Television. Anyway I just want to wish you well and thank you for your fantastic work in keeping a great show at the forefront.

kind regards, Richard 

just got back off holiday and tried update 16. What a great update, the lunar landscape looks so much better and the Eagle flying around main mission looks great. Thank you for adding these and other fantastic additions to an already outstanding experience.

kind regards, Richard

thanks for sharing the link, that is great work and it’s nice to see how a nearly 50 year old program is still so loved by so many. 👍

hi Andrew, thanks for your reply, wow minus 6, I didn’t realise it got that low in Australia., I always thought you winters were like our summers.. thank you for the link, you did send it a year or 2 back, how time has gone quickly.. 138 images for the side panels, that is a tremendous amount of work, looking forward to seeing the finished results. Thought I’d share with you 3 images that I came across. Not sure of their origin.

Kind regards, Richard

Hi, hope your doing ok and the weather down there is better than here in the  UK, one of the coolest and wettest Julys on record, only about 22oC to 24oC in the day and it’s been down to 11oC at night and this is British summertime. Oh well couple of days to august and it may get better. Just wondering how the VR is going? And if you’ve done anymore on the Eagle cockpit and did you mange any more of the Jupiter 2?

Yes  I did see the Documentary and it was good. I remember seeing Joe 90 when it first came out, but I didn’t find it as exciting as Thunderbirds or Captain Scarlet so I didn’t enjoy it as much. But for me the one I still watch is Space 1999 which I think still holds up well even by today’s standards. I think the filming sets were outstanding  and so visually it is still a masterpiece. And your work enhances a show I love to this day and is way beyond any VR work that anyone else is working on and I can see it’s because it’s show that means a lot to you too. So thank you for sharing this with us all.

Kind regards, Richard 

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don’t know if you’ve heard, but they are now doing a Joe 90 Technical Operations Manual… Not sure about this one as Joe 90 was not one of my favourites.  

thank you for your reply. I understand exactly what you mean about having the time. Please take all the time you need even if it’s years away, it will be worth the wait.  

Kindest regards, Richard

hi, just wondering how the Eagle cockpit is progressing? Although I know these things take a long time to accomplish. By the way what did you think to the SHADO Operations Manual? I thought it was really well done but not quite as good as the Moonbase Alpha manual.

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what a great end of year gift. Thank you so much. The computer room is a real bonus and a great addition to the main mission sets. It isn’t out of place there, normally from the windows on the balcony if you look across and down you would only see the roof of the Main Mission tower which is so big it would stretch off in to the distance. So its placement is good, just no tower roof to hide it. It’s great to have the Eagle cockpit even if it is unfinished and it’s going to look fantastic when the controls are in place. It’s nice to be able to go through the Eagle as if it’s a real space craft  especially with the view through the windows. Many thanks and a Happy New Year to you.

Kindest regards, Richard 

wow you work on the cockpit is brilliant.  I can see that it’s going to take time to make and render all the buttons, switches, and lights. But I know it will be worth the wait. I glad that the mystery of the neon lamp was cleared up, I couldn’t find anything on the internet at all but I’m glad someone managed to identify what it was and it makes sense now why it would be carried in the eagle. Looking forward to all the future updates and the updated unity settings that will improve this fantastic project. Thank you for the look‘ahead at the cockpit, I am really excited to see the finished eagle. Kindest regards, Richard 

I’ve been trying so hard not to ask how things are going with the Eagle Cockpit. But I am so looking forward to seeing your work. Hope things are still progressing nicely. And I wondered if you’d thought about what if any, would be the next project that you would consider?

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The first image of Skydiver interior and moonbase ready room, e.t.c. I’ve come across for the S.H.A.D.O Technical operations manual. It’s looking good. Regards, Richard

I know this is off subject and I apologise. But have you seen that Chris Thompson and team are working on a S.H.A.D.O. Technical Operations Manual ? I hope it’s as good as the Moonbase Alpha manual. And I hope they finally address where the crew slept on Skydiver! LOL.

thanks for the update. I can imagine that the cockpit is quite small, looking forward to seeing how small it really is. Having a complete Eagle interior is going to be fantastic and the kid inside me is so excited. Bless you for all your hard work. 

how’s the cockpit going? I bet it’s a long slow process with all of the control banks to do. Even the shape of the cockpit module must be a challenge. Looking forward to seeing it completed. And thank you for sharing all your hard work. 

Kind regards 


another great update. It’s so nice to have the X-5 computer wall pod, your work is so outstanding that it really is virtual REALITY. it is like being on the actual filming sets. The attention to detail is outstanding. Thank you again for keeping this project moving forward.

Kindest regards Richard

thank you for the link, that’s amazing. And I like the main doors being shut as it gives the impression of being in flight. 

Thanks again 


hiya, hope things are progressing well, it looks from your previous screen shots that the rear door in the passenger pod will remain open. I like that as it provides an uninterrupted walk through which keeps up the realism of being on an actual Eagle.  Just wondered if the front viewports will be showing the moon are the stars? And can I ask if there is a problem with the eagle where you showed renders of the passenger pod as I’m unable to log in and view any updates you may have put on that site, it just displays a message saying that I am not authorised to log in, but I have a site login code… I just wondered if the site is now non functional… Anyway thank you again for your truly stunning work. Kind regards Richard 

I understand about the spacesuits. I’m totally amazed by what you have already accomplished, out of all the VR experiences I have seen yours is by far the most impressive. I always look forward to seeing what new wonders you have created. The quality and accuracy is staggering and gives a total feeling of being on a real moonbase alpha.

All the best for this new year


Wow what a great Eagle passenger pod. It really does make me feel as if I’m in the first episode Brakeaway traveling to moonbase alpha along with Commander Koenig. I don’t know if you have in mind at some point doing the computer wall as in the later episodes? And have spacesuits hanging? and the gun racks? But if not I’m grateful for what you have given us. Thank you again for sharing all you hard work.

Kindest regards Richard

thank you for the update. I always look forward to seeing you great work and I know it will be worth the wait. Been watching the series again over the last couple of weeks. And really looking forward to  the update and of course the new Space 1999 book, I’ve got mine on order and hoping it will be released soon. Thank you for the fantastic VR project and for keeping it running. It is one of the few VR experiences that makes it worth buying the headset.. looking forward to your next release. Kind regards, Richard

the Eagle passenger pod sounds amazing. I am really looking forward to seeing more of your fantastic work. 
Thank you for keeping this great project going. 

Regards Richard

Good Morning,

I’ve just come across a fantastic new  publication that will be released soon by Anderson Entertainment “Moonbase Alpha Technical Operations Manual” it looks like a great book with lots of cutaway artwork. It just shows that there’s still a lot of interest in Space 1999.. also wondering if your working on anything else on Space 1999 VR?

kind regards Richard

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can I ask if this outstanding serenity vr project is still being worked on.

Kind regards

His work is outstanding, but so is yours. Seeing things in VR is better than just seeing things as a 2D image. And as for the grunge, Space 1999 always had a bright crisp clean look and I think you capture that style amazingly well. Tenements work is also outstanding and it’s good to have both of you doing amazing Space 1999 recreations. 

just wondered if you’ve seen Tenement01’s images on DeviantArt? It really does show that Space 1999 is still a much loved show and still kept alive in people’s minds by the many artists and programmers like yourself. A big 👍 up, to all of the great work still being done. 🙂

The moon buggy  looks amazing. As always you have done all of  the space 1999 fans proud. I’m sure like me their all so great full that you continue to share your fantastic work. Really looking forward to any future projects you share with us.  Thank you again. 🙂

I fully understand. I prefer it in VR and I look forward to future updates.

regards Richard 

Thanks for your  reply, I’m looking forward to seeing the updates when you have them ready, especially the moon buggy.. as always your work is outstanding. Thank you for making so many people’s dream of walking through Main Mission come true. I was wondering if you’ve ever considered making a non VR version for those who aren’t lucky enough to own a VR Headset so that they to can enjoy your excellent work.

kind regards 



Just been on your fantastic VR experience again and been reminded again just how  outstanding it is. Just wondering if you currently have anything else in the pipeline? 

the amount of work on the Jupiter 2 looks amazing, it can’t be easy to work out all the details in something that constantly changes with each episode. But hope fully one day you may release a VR Jupiter 2. I for one look forward to that.

regards Richard 

Thanks for the reply. Your work is still outstanding even if Koenig’s quarters don’t get added. What you have already done is fantastic. Have you done any more to your Jupiter 2?

Only just seen the update, and what a great update it is! Main Mission looks amazing and less sparse. It also runs so much more smoothly than the last update. Fantastic work, hope fully soon Koenig’s quarters may appear behind that door you’ve prepared in the corridor! Thank you so much for such an outstanding experience.

Regards Richard

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the Jupiter 2! Yes,yes,yes.. I would love to see your Jupiter 2..  Another favourite show. I shall be watching your fantastic work closely. 🙂👍

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the Hanger bay sounds nice!!!!  Will you be including the flight control room where Koenig talks to Alan Carter in the first episode?

And I see what you mean about the command centre.. just thought with all the displays on the desks and it being more colourful it would have looked spectacular.. anyway I look forward to seeing your next update which I know will be fantastic..

Kind regards, Richard