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A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah we could have done a better job showing how the mechanics interacted before making the player go through that final level. Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for playing! :)

Really cool idea, I could see this being a full game!

Thank you!

Very well done!

This is an incredible idea and really well executed!

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I had a good time with this one :)

The gameplay is very well done :)

Thank you, we tried using this game jam to improve our puzzle design skills!


Very well done, the art is very pretty and the core mechanic is satisfying!

Incredibly well done, we actually had similar ideas haha (ours is 2D though)

(1 edit)

The mechanics were very creative, great game! :)

(1 edit)

Controls were very easy to pick up and play, and it took a few tries for me to beat it! One feedback is to make the size change telegraph a different color (still at a lower opacity) to make it stick out more. 

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback! :)

Thank you! Yeah, there was definitely a difficulty spike on the last level

Haha thanks! There's a walkthrough in the description if you want to see the answer :)


Thank you!!

The game looks really cool! I didn't quite understand the scale mechanic, so I just started using every card

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

This was a blast to play, the puzzle design and visuals were really well done!

Thats great to see! Thank you :)

Thank you for the feedback! Glad you liked it :)

We definitely wanted to improve the controls a bit, and we planned to make each side of the dice a different color so it was easier to read. Thanks for playing!

We wanted to make the dice have different colors for each side, and dim all of the sides except for the value facing up. As for the dice changing faces after rolling, we tried to get the dice to snap to the face that was facing up, but didn't have enough time to make it work. Thank you for playing! :)

I'm not sure why the game couldn't fullscreen. I'll try to figure out the issue and keep that in mind for the future, but I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you!

Yeah we fell short on time and weren't able to make the game auto-adjust based off the aspect ratio, so the dice on the sides ended up being hidden for some people. It would be cool to have some sort of pattern for the waves (maybe make the zombies more likely to have the same number?). Also, we had more models/animations made, but didn't have enough time to implement them in the game.

We found out the tutorial  in the WebGL version doesn't work on some browsers. Try it on a different browser or download it if you can! :)

Yeah we found out the tutorial doesn't work as intended on the WebGL version (in some browsers). Try it on a different browser or download it if you can! :)

Thank you!

Thank you so much! Detection and level design was a pretty big focus for us!

Thank you! :)

It was tough! Thank you for the comment!

Glad you enjoyed it! The last level is tight on the timing lol.

Thank you!

Thank you for the kind words! :)

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)