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A member registered May 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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updated version now out everyone! Still some bugs though.

I'm coming out with an updated version soon!

I'm coming out with an updated version soon!

I'm coming out with an updated version soon!

I'm coming out with an updated version soon!

I'm coming out with an updated version soon!

I'm coming out with an updated version soon!

One of my top three games of the jam, not sure maybe tied for favorite. Love it.

Thanks! Ill try to play your game!

Thanks! I know its really buggy, but you should've seen before I did the bug fixes lol!



Fun game, but there are some spots you get stuck on, and on the second level, whenevr i collected the heart it made half of the platforms invisible. Intentional?

Still a fun game though!

heres my game if you want to check it out:

ooof, thats rough, very difficult, very nicely done though

This was an amazing game, a little bit generic, like pick up the collectibles and avoid the traps, but still a great experience, i liked hoe you implemented the theme, and its good that you have 10 or so levels. overall, a great game, especially compared to my submission.

Writing this Friday night, how are everyone's games coming along? (no hints)

Mine personally is not very far, I've got some basic animations and movement, and an attack.

What about you?


i forgot to write click to pick up items, woops...

my highest 45



Thanks for playing! I will check out your game right now!

Thanks! I already played your game and i think its really innovative!

I hadn't considered that! Good idea, although most people only care about there own game and rate others games much to critically.

Thanks! We know the game is pretty unfinished, but were glad you see potential in it.

jump is kinda iffy tho...

THis is literally pretty much karlson 2d...


to find the second ending go back when he says to keep going forward

i don't remember the game, but it had a VERY similar style!

if you want to look through the game again, find the living egg...

there are to secrets he can tell you about and two secrets you can find otherwise...

Thank You! We tried to keep everything light-hearted, funny, but also fun! Did you find our little secrets on the map, there are three!

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback! i have already checked out you game1 its great except the one major bug everyone found!

Yes we left it so you could simply take out the meat guy and then go to the final boss, partly because of time, but also, if the player wnated to rush the game they could, or they could expirience the whole thing. Did you find our hidden secrets?

i recognize this stile from ludum dare 46...did you enter that?

the secret ending is so cleverly placed, the first time no one notices, the second time its pretty obvius, i love the game, its a 5/5 for everything exept maybe theme and audio, those get 4's

to find the secret ending go back when he says the only thing to do is keep going forward

best gam

this is cat mario over again LOvE IT!