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A member registered Jul 07, 2021

Recent community posts

I think you responded to the wrong comment.

So there's belly size options for pregnancy, but the default for ANY cumflation can't be adjusted from 'a slight  belly'.

You need to add a save state of some sort.

I'm only able to play on Android, so every time something happens that closes the page, I have to start from scratch.

Any plans for Android?

yeah, but that usually gets me the overthrown ending.

Even in easier mode.

Yeah, well, I can't seem to maintain a balance between money and the military, so it's irrelevant.

I either end up overthrown, beaten by barbarians or broke, and those are the only three outcomes I seem to get.

I have never managed to find any pregnancy content.

"There doesn't appear to be anything here..."

Flawed, but most assuredly excellent for its current state of development.

How about an undo button? I can't count how many times I've sent out a pred when I'd intended to send the one beside them, thanks to the touchscreen.

When you select 'end tour and get skills' why are there no skills available, even if they've been unlocked?

Any plans for Android compatibility?

Cool. Not the first time I've had to do that

Any plans for Android compatibility?

Any plans for Android compatibility?

is there a way to NOT lose to Tessa?

Cant' see squat past the character portrait covering half the screen.

(1 edit)

You need to change the text colour.

It's iincredibly difficult to read without straining the eyes.

Dialogue loops when Mia sees her mother.

Any plans for Android compatibility?

Any plans for Android compatibility?

That didn't actually answer the question.

Any plans for (optional) pregnancy content?

Any plans for Android compatibility or a Steam release?

Any plans for Android compatibility?

Any plans for Android compatibility?

Progress with Raven.

Is there pregnancy?

(1 edit)

There needs to be a mechanic to either upgrade the streaming battery capacity, or recharge it outside of sleep.

Beyond that, this is bordering on a work of art in the nichè fetish game genre.

Will this one be coming to Steam?

Any plans for Android compatibility?

Does this game have pregnancy?

An incredibly amusing VN, of what I played of it thus far, and ticks most of the boxes for what I enjoy.

We're good.

(1 edit)

I didn't even know that they had a site.

Thanks for that, mate! I'll let you know how it turns out.

Ren'py on the play store is not available. It says its too old for my device.

Any plans for Android compatibility?