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A member registered Apr 30, 2021 · View creator page →

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yo this shit bussin

for right now, you'll just have to close the application and reopen it!

soon! i'll be looking to add those features in

Pretty sick, like the idea! If the visuals were spiced up a bit more  I think it'd be a fun full game.

Really cool, love the ideas and the polish put into this game. A full released version would be fun.

Very cool and polished, really like the way the levels are designed

Oh my bad we were confused as to how to redo our submission and didn't know it's cuz we had submitted the earlier build. We've gone and reuploaded it to a new page and it is not submitted into the jam. Hopefully that works, so sorry for the confusion!

Oh that was the broken build, just deleted it, how about now? Here's our game, had trouble exporting to WebGL with unity but it's all good now!

Thanks for the kind words and wow you're totally right, can't believe we let that slip by!

Loved the polish and the juice. Didn't really know how to play at first but I got the hang of it and really like the concept !

Very clever, love the polish that was put into the game!

Very clever, love the polish that was put into the game!

Super funny and more enjoyable than actual sticky hands. Loved the originality in the theme, music, storytelling and gameplay.

Super sick concept but I can't play it since I don't have someone else with a controller. Would have loved to see a singleplayer concept with these mechanics though!

Thanks so much for the kind words and for sharing your score! :)

Thanks for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it!

I'm pretty bad at it, but it's a great game! Love the growing and stopping mechanics, was very creative! Would love to see a more polished version with art.

For clarification, you don't need to hit the seeds/pegs in order to clear the level. You clear each level by getting the required amount of water droplets into the bucket at the bottom. Thanks and have fun!

Loved the polish and art! Wish there was more to the gameplay but I'm not complaining, seems like a fun little game to pass the time :)

Yea! All the endings I got were very entertaining like the Troublekid and Girls haha!

WOW! This is absurd for 48 hours, honestly very impressive. Loved the song, loved the narrative and loved all the juice you added to the game! Honestly, the minor bugs were not that big of an issue as the rest of the game made up for it.

Really like the gameplay concept and art. The biggest issue for me was the collisions with the couches and tables being very buggy and interrupting my playthrough. I think it's a funny take on the growth theme.

Very funny and quirky!

Like the growing and shrinking mechanic! I think the collisions and movement are a bit buggy and interrupted my play experience but loved the polish and gameplay systems you had.

Love the aesthetics and chill experience. Would love to have more gameplay content though.

Cool concept but I didn't really see a correlation with theme. Liked the mechanic and art style!

AMAZING! You guys are super talented and thought a lot about the players with the features you added. 

Neat concept, very interesting take on spring/growth! Would love to see it explored more though with maybe more levels. It was very easy for me to win by just drawing one big branch.

Love the art and the feel of controlling the caterpillar! The sounds are a little loud though, but either way would love to see an extended polished version of this game!

I'm pretty bad at it, but it's a great game! Love the growing and stopping mechanics, was very creative! Would love to see a more polished version with art.

Nice concept, I liked what you did with the prompt and growing!