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A member registered Jan 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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This is very reasonable. Also pretty on brand for it to be on a devlog for this game in particular.

That’s some nice news to hear, I’m looking forward to more!

Blud, what are you waffling about? A majority of Sileo is porn scenes and their setup. The worldbuilding itself is the way it is because it’s a gay furry romance story where everyone is gay. Sex scenes are literally major plot points in most arcs!

By contrast Temptation’s Ballad also has a LOT of “porn leaning” elements, but the story itself doesn’t revolve around that. Not that it has no influence on the plot or relevance to some themes, but it’s not nearly as core to the story as it is in Sileo. I’d say it’s mostly like an ever present aesthetic choice.

But like, Temptation’s Ballad IS still very sexual? Cole’s promiscuity (and half the supporting cast’s tbh), the mercenary company, the multiple sex scenes? It’s not just “mere mentions of sexual activity”, what are you talking about? Half the cast can barely keep it in their pant half the time, and that’s if they even wear those!

I mean, so far on that front I’d place it in the upper quarter of FVNs I keep up with. Like, below Sileo but above Temptation’s Ballad, I guess.

Oh, I have no problem with stories containing porn, I just don’t usually like the ones that I feel revolve around the porn. I find there’s plenty of both in the “Bara Furry Gay Romance Visual Novels” genre, this comment made me think it would have been the former. The latest chapter simply made me question that.

I’m disappointed by this update. I hoped the rewriting of the prologue would remove all of that exposition, but nope, still there.

This new chapter also makes my worries about the primary focus of the story being the porn much worse. Bummer.

it failed to download right at the end for me as well but after a few attempts it worked.

If none on your team can proofread you might want to look for external help. You might have some luck asking on some furry visual novel discord server.

The game isn’t great so far, with the story dragging and the characters and their interactions feeling pretty formulaic, but the english translation is what truly needs some attention. It’s not unreadable, by any means, but words and expressions clearly mistranslated or translated out of context coming up every few sentences get distracting fast, so it really needs proofreading.

Idk if it’s intended since the normal rate button was replaced with the one for the jam, but the URL still works so even if people can’t rate the game for the Jump Ship Jam unless they have submitted a game themselves to it everyone with an itch account can rate the game in general

(btw you can check that a game’s rating page routing is formatted like that by opening another game’s rating page in another tab and looking at that URL, just make sure that game is not in a jam too; it’s important to open in another tab because otherwise the rating pop-up in the game page opens, and that doesn’t change the URL)

This is absolutely fantastic!

I think the art is absolutely the showrunner, but the game wouldn’t have been nearly as entertaining if the game didn’t incentivise so well paying attention to the worldbuilding by integrating it into the gameplay and instead lectured you with exposition. The game made me actually want to learn more and pay attention to the setting, the characters and how they interacted, so it was a very enjoyable read.

Hovering over specific words to see its meaning is such a useful and unobtrusive little touch that I’m surprised more lore-heavy visual novels don’t make use of it.

Wooo, thanks!! Don’t mind if I do!

Oh no it’s not made with Ren’Py, I’m familiar with that and I wouldn’t have had isseues had that been the case. It’s made in godot, which I know nothing about using, and since I can’t use emulation either on here I’m kinda out of options I know about

I just hope they could make a linux version, considering godot is FOSS there’s a chance it might be super easy for them and they simply overlooked the option

Since the potential playerbase on linux that can’t/won’t simply emulate it instead is probably super tiny it’s probably the only way it’d be worth the effort on their part

OH, betrayed me, hahaha! When I wrote the comment that link was to like, what described as an updating of the files 7h before even though the files still said 5.0 and there was no devlog, so I was confused about that (note how the comment predates the devlog’s release, I swear I’m not insane :P )

Thanks for and congrats on the new update, by the way!

just some curiosity, but what’s this?

Aww, I really hoped I could play it on linux, too bad :/

Seeing Rick’s art on my feed felt like christmas for a sec there, I hope versions for other platforms will be made available eventually

heads-up, since this is made with ren’py you can tag the pc version as also playable on Linux (thanks to the .sh file)

heads-up, you can tag the pc version of renpy games as also playable on linux

heads-up, the PC file isn’t tagged as also playable on Linux despite it being so

what’s up with version numbers? wasn’t the last one 0.8?

(1 edit)

I dislike exposition as much as the next guy, no disagreements there, but I’m concerned if you think that’s the only way to develop characters.

Hell, I found the writing so far has been fairly exposition heavy in my opinion. The same tendency to be ‘utilitarian’ and very direct in the writing when it comes to character development seemed to happen with worldbuilding too.

The same way the writing made very obvious that the human cared about the children, that he is horny for dragons and that he is unhappy with his place in life was also applied to the worldbuilding. The internal monologues of the mcs mostly tell you everything straight. It’s not like the scene of the dragon mc walking down the street was particularly subtle in demonstrating the town’s bigotry towards dragons, and it wasn’t the first nor last one to be like that.

It’s not bad, mind you, just not for everyone’s taste. That and it’s just something that in my experience very often came with the aforementioned ‘carboard cutout’ characters I also personally dislike, which is why I made these comments: haing read the story so far I worry the mc will turn into the archetypal ‘dumb horny human in a gay furry story’.

(3 edits)

I don’t know what you count as well rounded but so far to me it just reads as having the bare minimum to make the story work and instert porn in it, which is not bad, don’t get me wrong, but not “well rounded”.

Like, of course he cares about the children, is not bigoted, wants to see the wider world and is horny, the story hinges on that being the case. The one thing I can think of that I would not have known is that he draws, which so far seems more like additional flavour than substance.

Don’t get me wrong, we’re super early in the story so it wouldn’t be fair to make a judgement about it now, but that goes both ways. There’s way too little available now to go as far as to describe them as well rounded.

I care about the name choice because the only real reason I can see that inclusion making sense is if you’re meant to be able to roleplay as them, but that usually comes with the characters being as ‘blank slate’ as possible to avoid conflicting with the reader’s own interpretation of, basically, ‘their own character’.

That’s where my worries about this come from, especially since a lot of those human archetypes in gay furry 18+ vns are dumb/incompetent as hell to make the rescuer manly furry bf have lots of opportunities to do their thing. Which again, is not necessarily bad, but something I’m very tired of reading again and again and would be disappointed by finding yet another time.

weird that the latest devlog didn’t show up in my feed, you might have some weird publishing setting turned on

damn, this update has a lot more typos and other misc errors compared to the last one

also I don’t really remember what the parts that seem to have changed where like in the last update, so even knowing which ones those are doesn’t really tell me much. can anyone that recognised them give me a small rundown pls?

oh I’m not saying that he’s a moron, it’s just that the human’s reaction to meeting the dragon and blunt writing style make me worry for future builds, you know?

please don’t write another generic dumb horny human protagonist T_T

giving the option to name the characters already gives off huge ‘audience self-insert’ vibes, please have them be interesting instead of character archetype cardboard cutouts

Swapping a potential Chris route for a Kane one would be nice

(1 edit)

Personally I’d love for the story to pick up the pace and cut some fluff.

Some of the last few updates have been tough to get through for me; I can only read so many scenes of “awkward but sweet and sincere romantic character interactions” in a row before I just lose interest. I also find that most of those scenes don’t really further the characterization as much as describe previously introduced traits again, and I find that boring, at this point.

Regarding that, when the protagonist’s inner monologue points out so often that other character’s actions are because of/show off a trait I find it a bit condescending or cringey, like the story doesn’t trust itself or the reader and thinks that the information won’t get across unless it’s pointed out. Basically, I think the story could use some “show don’t tell” for character traits.

I had similar problems a while ago when playing on some old saves, just starting new ones and skipping to where I was before fixed the issue for me.

The newer version of the game probably expected to find different things in the saves than what older versions stored there.

It doesn’t.

I’m ignoring awkward sentences and all the exposition, since this update was meant to be fixing grammar, but even in just the prologue there’s still quite a few very noticeable ‘grammar problems’.

There’s even a couple that I already mentioned to you, so I’m doubly perplexed on how that could be. I assumed they were there because nobody on the team had ever re-read the script, but now it has gone through some manner of review and there still are some mistakes I’m genuinely baffeled were not caught.

I’m going to write about them in the grammar channel of the discord server.

huh, I think you might have tagged the android version as Linux instead

Huh, with the grammar fixes I’m going to give this a try again, I’m pretty hopeful about this

heads-up, the linux build isn’t tagged as such