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A member registered Oct 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Now that the voting has ended I have patched the game and fixed the mouse sensitivity. Unfortunatly I made a mistake early on and didn't noticed because of my low screen resolutions, sorry! 😯

Such as basic code to control a character's movements or display a dialog box or certain functions like moving elements in an array or similar.

It' possible to center the camera behind the character by holding Shift, as well as strafing along the walls by moving against them

Not sure why the crashes, this is my second HTML5 game and the first had only one scene, so maybe something went wrong with the scene reset

Updated the game:

-Fixed camera sensitivity

-Fixed enemies appearing when shouldn't

-Increased visibility

-Increased message speed

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Currently making a 3d game, I'm fine with modelling and coding, but textures always suck a massive amount of time and efforts which I can't afford to spend for this jam. Need someone who can produce even the most basics of textures for the game, any artstyle is fine as long as it doesn't clashes too much with the game atmosphere, no 3d experience required (but it's appreciated). Cannot provide any compensation outside of game credits.

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Game has been updated, some bug fixed and minor graphic improvements, this is gonna be the final jam version.

I thought so as well, it there's more time I could fix some last minute bugs I had to left out when I submitted yesterday

I'm not talking about using another project as base, but using like parts of scripts and such to save time

I haven't even finished a single model 😭

Was at good point texturing one three days ago but then I decided to remake it better, not sure if I'll ever be able to finish any kind of game in time 😥