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A member registered Sep 06, 2015 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I have to agree with you that noclipping  was definitely the most annoying bug when playtesting and I was really hoping to find some time to fix/mitigate it, but that was difficult in the time we had left. I'll definitely look into what caused it (got a little idea what that is) and watch for it next time.
Thank you for playing :)

This was really fun and well made, congratulations!

Congrats, that's one I actually didn't get to see live. I think I see how that happened, did you try to grab a physics cube you throwed ? That would explain the query does not match error, I re-added those last minute as a mitigation for the actual physics props being unstable but they don't have exactly the same components :')


I have, will do tonight. Thanks!