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A member registered Jan 21, 2019 ยท View creator page โ†’

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And I know this makes it seem like I'm back to working on the game again, but I'm not. This was just a test to see if it was possible and I probably won't be doing anything more until I finish FNAF REWRITTEN 87.

This was all done in about 2.5 days. I've learned a lot since starting pvz2 fp and I've realized that making most of the map as full models in blender and substance painter is better looking, faster and easier to make for me, and is better for performance. I feel like these detailed environments match the feeling of the pvz2 backgrounds much better than what I had before

I should have updated the page earlier, but the itch version is outdated as I've switched to gamejolt for this game as there isn't much of a FNAF audience on itch. There have been a couple of optimization updates since the last itch version.

Rate the Difficulty of Levels for Future Updates

The out of place pixel on the six side makes me want to pass away.

nvm, its not giving me the mac option when I build the game

Yeah, I should be able to get that out tonight.

making multiplayer would require rewriting a ton of the code, maybe once the game is complete but multiplayer is definitely not something I can do rn.

I'm cool with seeing the game expanded on but I don't have the project file anymore, all I had in it was walking and animation triggers. And the atmosphere was the result of trying to recreate 1940s San Francisco and Topaz with Half Life 2 Beta textures. Just make sure you keep it based on the book if you expand it.

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Pause Menu

I want an among us game mode

damn, I thought I did, I'll put a new one up in a sec

This has been one of my most popular games so far despite being the one with the least amount of effort put into it, I'm not sure where to go with the game so if anyone has any ideas that they would want to see added reply to this comment!

fixed the link

Thanks! I'm gonna try to add some actual game play soon, so there is something to do other than look around and escape.

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Join if you wanna see progress updates and announcements about the game's development! (link was updated)

idea: bear traps! one u walk on one u get stuck and it alerts AI, and AI can get stuck on it as well 

Idea: security cameras, on each camera u can click a button that sounds an alarm that brings everyone towards that room

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wow its like walking down corridors