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Thanks for the feedback!!

I didn't notice this bug before you mentioned it hahaha. The game has a level up mechanic after each death, but i should have make it more explicit.

Thankss again, loved your game :)

Thanks so much!! Now i am so happy, you are the first one to notice that you get stronger after death hahahaha. I should make the level up more explicit.

I tried to avoid making a state machine for the character, so it made really hard to add more spells hahaha.

Thanks for playing.  Loved your game, my favorite so far.

Thanksss  for playing :)

Yeah, the difficult was a bit too high hahaha

The ideia was to make player get stronger after each death  but i dont play test this idea enough hahaha.

By the way, your game is beatiful. Realy liked it

Thankss :)

I enjoyed the process so much, loved you game by the way. The colors are beatifiul and is super nice to play

Thanks for the feedback :)

Really happy that you like it. I tried to make the level smaller but the enemy design and shoot mechanics made that realy hard hahaha. It's the first game that i make in a long time so thanks for the tips :)