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A member registered Dec 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Very pleasant track to listen to, love the harpsichord!


I think Taking In Some Air is my favorite, but I'm a sucker for down-tempo atmospheric stuff. My second favorite is Nonstopped Unpopped for the opposite reason haha. 

Nailed the vibe, great job!

Thank you!

Ocean Floor is a jam, and I love the idea of both tracks sharing major components but having vastly different overall vibes. Nice work!

Thank you so much! 

Menu Theme is lovely, the floaty flute sound is fantastic. 

Seaside Castle is my favorite. So bouncy.

Amazing work.

Thanks! Yeah I ran a bit short on time but I appreciate the kind words!

Thanks! Yeah I really wish I had more time to flesh them out, but hopefully next time I'll have more and I can practice in the mean time :)

I appreciate it! Yeah, I definitely was expecting to have more time to clean them up. There was quite a bit more I wanted to do but each song was done in one session and had to be uploaded more or less as they were left from those original sessions. Hopefully next time I'll have more time!

Thank you so much!

Amazing job! I also gotta say Tidying Up is my favorite song as well, but Killing Theme was also, well, killer haha.

Havet Og Marah is beautiful, I love the slow build up and the crescendo. Chef's kiss.

Rolig,  I think I'm ready to adventure.

You nailed the scary, ocean, "I must leave now" vibe with Det Skremmer

Amazing job all around!

This is an absolute vibe and I adore these. Fantastic work, I think I'm ready for adventure!