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A member registered Jul 16, 2022

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Once again, awesome to play a game with devs who actually listen to their player base, and want their players to be happy and have fun. I was okay with the health amount right before this last change here, but this change back to the original will certainly increase the amount of fun I have playing this game!

Developer's do appear to be listening, reduction in everyone's health, I am sure not everyone will be happy but I am happy with the change, great to be playing a game with developer's who care about their playerbase's opinion and happiness, keep up the good work and thanks!

(2 edits)

So I have played a bit more, seen some other players, I believe I understand what they are trying to accomplish, a little change up in the teams and the usefulness of some girls who were barely used at all ever previously, I imagine, but I do believe it is too much still, I think a reduction in players hp of about 50% would at least make me acceptably able to continue playing. One thing I don't quite understand, and I am not exactly sure on the solution, is it requires players to get high tower levels to unlock said girls, so for new players and players who have not made it to said tower levels they are actually just being punished more by the higher health change. I am quite sure for any game it is never a good idea to punish new/starting/low level players. Not exactly sure of a proper solution to that problem but just trying to provide some sort of constructive feedback.

I am also quitting the game if the new health amounts are not changed back, just wanting to put my opinion out for the devs also, this was my favourite match 3 game I have ever played period. Even if it was not full of naked women it would still be my favourite match 3 game I have ever played. The combination of picking your team/the 3 matches per turn, the events in the game, just everything about the game was amazing and fun and addictive. With the HP changes things that would take 30 seconds before now take 5-10 minutes, the game is no longer fun at all, a very insane change in the fun and addictiveness of the game. I will continue the check back over the next couple of weeks to see if it gets changed back and if it does not I will no longer play the game ever again, which would be sad for me, it was an incredibly fun game :(


Dang I feel silly for not having tried that hahaha, thank you very much though! That is a very simple solution


Quick break down: How can you make the quest complete after having already levelled that specific girl above level 5?

I have had this problem many times in the past where I have upgraded the girl above level 5 before getting the event quest requiring you to do so, to complete the quest I upgrade the girl one more time. This current event is the first event I have been able to be in where I actually had some of the girls already unlocked, my common girl is level 12, luckily I could level her up 1 more time to again complete the quest but I was thinking as they get higher and higher the costs get higher and you may not have enough cards to actually level them up when you need to to complete the quest. Is there some easier way to compete the quest/force the game to realize you have completed the quest? Tried leveling up other girls and doing battles, did not try reloading the game or logging out and back in yet, if anyone knows for sure a way to do this that would be great, if not I will email support and see what they say.
