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Update from 09.09.22 Sticky

A topic by Hooligart created Sep 09, 2022 Views: 1,288 Replies: 19
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Developer (1 edit)
Join our official discord server -

Heroes, we have great news! We analyzed your feedback regarding the latest HP balance changes and decided to revert the HP changes to the pre-3 August levels. Additionally, in the Tower and Colosseum fights, the first turn will be performed by the attacking player.

All heroes will see their Hard intentions potion level reset. Also, all Viagra spent on it has been corrected.

Aside from that, each hero whose HP was altered will receive five extra event chest keys as compensation. These can be used during the Dark Holes event or any following event.

DevTeam (c)

Have a good game!


Thanks. Look forward to have fun again.

Could the update cause some trouble with the Avatars Lifepoints? Mine drops from 5900+ down to 1150 im on Level 9 at the Moment. What happend here?


Once again, awesome to play a game with devs who actually listen to their player base, and want their players to be happy and have fun. I was okay with the health amount right before this last change here, but this change back to the original will certainly increase the amount of fun I have playing this game!

the game was getting good... i had to make some adjustments yes but it was getting good , but now we have unbalanced game least before we had 2 or 3 chances so we could use abilities and use some strategie to prevent other player to make his combos but now we dont have even time for that  and with all these changes and viagra reset we just ended making bad everytime im getting there u guys change  i have 21k health and all draw like 50k on 1st strike...make up your was better before...

I agree with you.

The trouble with the initial change in early August was all those changes needed to happen at once.  It made play a bit slower and difficult and I had to adjust.  Then it got better with the last changes.  One shots are faster, but a bit cheesy.

After the previous change most fights were just a few turns.  Now it is just one or two.  I guess if people want one shots or fights that last a few rounds and a couple of minutes.

(3 edits)

Earlier (Before HP update), Sex potion increase in health was distinct from girl card damage in that it was +10% (instead of 5%). It was later changed to +5% in response to large increase in HP post update. NOW that the changes are being reversed, kindly consider changing % for health sex potion back to original. 

This is also the reason for relative reduced Player HP  

Sorry but its unplayable for me anymore. from 5900+ Hp down to 1150 HP. Cant farm in the dungeon. cant fight in the tower. useless for me. with lvl 9 only 1150 Hp sry that is a slap in the face for new players.

(1 edit)

What the fuck did you do that for? Even with the boost from the sex potions my health has now dropped below what it was before all of this update nonsense and I was at level 35 with at least over 50K Health. I just reallocated my Viagra and I see my health is at a point even less than it was before.
Why can't you make the right decisions when it comes to balancing the game? It shouldn't be this annoying.

Edit: At least I think it was at 50K before the updates, I can't even remember, I do know that since I was in League 1 it had to be that high otherwise I would have been wiped out in the first move with most folks before this bump back down the leagues. I'm seriously confused.

Deleted 2 years ago
(3 edits)

I am not a pro but this is how understand it -  Game logic is coded into script files. AND If you modify running game script file, you can change the logic it contains, for example, change of clothes when you level up - if you put command for it as false, then your deck will show clothed girl only. Do note that Modifying the script may make the game corrupt if not done correctly. 

In the past, I have merged scripts for the game "The Witcher 3" while adding mods i liked and modified game script file for the game "Elder Scrolls V Skyrim". MODS may contain game script if it involves changing game mechanics. I do not know how advanced players  can change game script(s) for an 'online' game like this one. The ones who have joined Discord channel can tell you more.

Banning foreign scripts should have been done way earlier to prevent cheating. Maybe the player base size was small earlier and only advanced players can inject/modify running game scripts - so it was sort of neglected.

its ridiculous i built attack of around 350k to 400k when using powers and in second strikes i could go to 700 or 800k but im defeated at 1st round by 23k....really balanced really...

well, it hasn't been changed back to what it was on the 3rd of august as I had 43k health and now I am at 18k health. Devs i appreciate you are listening to your player base but some on is the health we have now because it's linked to the leagues you dropped us down to with your previous update. I'm level 35 and have been playing the game for a long time and I worked for the 43k health .just reset your servers to before august 3rd and set everything back to the way it was as it's a joke for guys like us that have spent time playing the game to 1st getting to league 1 and then getting booted down to league 4 or 5 and now losing over half the health we had before all the new updates kicked in

my friend hooligart

yes that's great, and thank you for listening to the opinions of the players and implementing them .

but there is an important note my HP was 55500 before August update , but now with the use of Viagra pills my HP 41622 , and a lot of players are the same ،

so please edit .

to return to the game it's beauty and magnificence that we loved.

thank you again 💓💓💓

"... decided to revert the HP changes to the pre-3 August levels."

Player HP is back to "fun" levels now but, in case you wanted to revert it to exactly the same values as before, I can confirm that it is lower than before (as other players mentioned above) - I have a screenshot from before the first HP increase to prove it and my character never used any HP increasing potions in the past or now.

Also, why there is no option to choose what to use to open event chest - the event chest key or the pirate silver - and the key always takes priority?

My HP is all the way down to 15000 when it was at 65000 before August. 

At least they changed the HP from the dungeons monsters aswell. so its playable again for new players to farm cards again.

Lmao, getting one shot by these OP mystic water deck is no joke. Good luck I'll come back next month to check.

Hooligart, give us an event where we can get back the maidens we missed from previous events!

Hey Moonzoo!
They recently did that with the repeated Stiffstone event
(Country Cousins (Earth) group),
although it was almost impossible to get the Mythic girl
as the challenges were nigh on impossible.