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A member registered Oct 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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nicht schlecht ^^  

Als Spieler verlassen - ✔

Timer - ✔

Reconnect - ✔

als Spielleiter verlassen - ❌

Aber nichts ist perfekt in dieser Welt.  erste Runde, nach einigen Versuchen wo der Login-Code nicht stehen blieb, ging es ja .

Soweit 👍 Gute Arbeit!

Bin schon auf das "Speichern" gespannt ^^

Die FOTO Funktion hatte ich bei einer letzen Version genau 1 Mal erfolgreich, diesmal noch nicht... aber wie gesagt, war auch der erste Test mit dieser Version ^^  Ich werd nochmal cache leeren und noch paar Runden testen.   2 PC 1Handy ^^

☺ so old but so gold ☺

really great! 

is anywhere the chance for an update or remake with the option to play a track from user's disk or use a playlist with options to change the sound? maybe some configurations of the colors ... awww ♥  i have so many ideas ;)

Really great !!!  
please add a SAVE button for playing later...  
and maybe doubling the graphic? from i think 64px to 128 or 256 ??

is it possible to let export the generated dragon as 3D object? 

it would nice to use not only screenshot...

✔ 1. Sehr nice, das QR-Code Dingens funzt jetzt.

✔ 2. Vollbild verlassen bzw. umschalten klappt auch.

✔ 3. Foto zeigen klappt auch.

✔ 4. Das Design ist jetzt eindeutig aufgeräumter.

❗ ❗ ❗ Aber. . .

❌ Als Spieler die Runde verlassen klappt bei mir auf dem PC nicht.

❌ Mein Handy ist aus dem Spiel geflogen und nix mehr automatisch reconnect.  (hatte bei der letzten Version noch funktioniert) ... :(

❌ Bei Zeit-Aufgaben, den blauen Uhr Button klicken, lässt riesigen Button mit Haken erscheinen, der die anderen beiden Buttons fast komplett verdeckt und scheinbar nicht von allein verschwindet.

❌ Im Host / Spiel-Leiter Fenster wird leider nicht angezeigt wenn Spieler das Game verlassen.

❌ Dem Spiel-Leiter fehlt noch das Spiel beenden/pausieren und speichern...

❓ Warum eigentlich dieser Windows Installer, wenn man damit nicht lokal, im LAN spielen kann, sondern doch auf die "" Webseite connecten muss?

Hahaha :D  Allein wegen dem Namen muss ich mir das jetzt mal anschauen.  Die Story hat auch was interesantes...


i can give you the graphics and maybe works the lil modfile for you too...


simple and cute :D 

but why they are looking so sad?

i made a lil upgrade for my own...

i like it. comes more planets and possibilities? maybe zoom or upgrades?

really nice!
simple, fast and good basics to make a game.
next step should have a lil help menu and please let players change or mute the music ;)

my first record \(°_°)/ :

I`ve tried....

nice Idea but i really need 5900pxx900px !

to see the Save or Connect Buttons.

i use 2 Monitors with 1920x1080 but thats not enough. 

with a nice tool Sizer it was possible to change the Windowsize bigger as the screens.

Sorry but i think its only a nice idea but useless without 3 or 4 monitors...
or mind. 2 screens + sizer-tool.

i like it.

simple graphic and easy to play if understood how.   :)

i can imagine, the next generation will be a real multiplayer ^^ so you must call your friends to help where they are needed. it would funny to tell them the way, because the green is the only who can see...

hihi ^^

now i tried this tool and must say  GREAT WORK :)

i´ve changed some little things in my translation and used for 3 phrases a translator ;)  my english isn´t perfect. ^^


I´ve made in fast, a german translated / language file.

Ich hab mal schnell eine deutsche Sprachdatei erstellt...

download from google drive

great work! my PC is a lil bit to slow to stream this ^^

a small menu option to controll the lights or colors would nice.
and maybe an option to show the Playername at the fisch or jellyfishes...

nice look.

wanna play this via Twitch chat ^^

YES i´ve tried

i see, the only folder in "...AppData\Local\Temp\IXP001.TMP\"
contains the files, TwitchGame-CyberRace.exe, splash.png &D3DX9_43.dll

but no other files in "...AppData" Folders and no folder "%username%\AppData\Local\TwitchGame_CyberRace\"  :(

and ingame after putting my data, no stars "*" shown... only blank fields

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after long loading time, i tried the login with my data, but no player shown, no response in chat, nothing :(

only the countdown repeats from 35sec to zero, again and again...

My Son shows me this.

1. Thanks for sharing your great work!

2. is there a controller support planned?

3. and/ or maybe an android version?  

Haha^^ i know, many questions...

FACT:  i like it!

(1 edit)

sooo... after some hours streaming and testing:

:( no change :(

for other games was this helpful:

i´ve cleared the "AppData\LocalLow\com.lunarcrown.TwitchOverlay" folder but nope.

okay, the game don´t like my System :)

Thanks very much! and Happy monday ;)

i´ll load intermediately.

(3 edits)

Hello and a nice sunday!

I´ve tested all commands, entering from PC or mobile. it walks and jumps only up+right.

the game runs on my PC with Win7 64bit. 

!s - let the player turn from walk left to walk right. bur no stop.
!r - turn from walk left to walk right.
!l - turn from walk left to walk right, but not from right to left.
!j - up+right (sometimes i can use a wall to jump up+left) 

so i think, the game don´t like my PC ^^

but the bot stays after posting...
⣿⡇⠀⣿⡇⠀⣿⣿⠀⢸⣿⡇⢰⣿ 👾 ⢸⣿⠀⢸⣿⡇⠀⣿⣿⠀⣿⣿⠀ ⣿⡇⠀⢿⡇⠀⢻⣿⡀⠘⣿⣇⠘⠻⢷⣶⣶⠿⠛⣠⣾⡟⠀⣠⣿⡏⢠⣿⡏

oh hello, good morning and happy halloween-weekend!! nice to hear/read from you again. I hope you are doing well. I would like to communicate with you on a different level/way. Here as comments is really not great. I also tried to deal with Unity, but this huge software doesn't run properly on my PC. I like part of a strange game here on, if you can call it that. the source script is even freely available. :) I like the implementation of the avatar heads with the profile picture of the thing. so every user in the chat would immediately recognize his figure and no one has to be sad because everyone looks the same. Unfortunately I can't do anything with the source, but maybe it would be an inspiration for you, or just worth trying to integrate this function into your game. if you know roughly what I mean. well, i'm going to sleep soon after being awake for far too long. Have a nice day and maybe see you later on twitch, discord or whatever ;)

(translated by google ^^ i had to less sleep to write and translate by myself ;) )
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Hello Stuart!
Yesterday in my stream, the peoples were excited about your game.
the queue only seems to show text, but not to do the fights one after the other...
The join messages in the chat should be able to be switched off, with a raid, there was hardly anything else to read in the chat :D ...
please make the time for shown the Lootboxes longer, because the Delay time between caster and Users...
and last question
, will there be more characters and movements?

Greetings, Ron!

(partly translated by google ;) )

That's a pity actually... but very nicely done!!! :D :D :D

nice graphic but how to controll? Menu?

i found out ASDW to walk and Q to Jump... and more?

nice idea. i like the Profilpicture as head. but for me some commands does nothing, or wrong. 

the jump is everytime up+right but not left... so its unplayable. the stop doesnt work for me it walks and walks and walks...

skin, pants and shirt works well.

(1 edit)

Big THANKS again for your great great work!!!!!

for me now seems
• !leave command is working (sometimes)
• autojoin is working (but auto join only if user wrote the first word is what i mean? i dont know ^^) now all bots which viewing my channel are instant in game :D :D :D
i think, this was no good idea O_o ... but everytime enough fighters :D ...
• window resize works (but not the background?)
• !fight @name works great for mobile users!!!

wishes: maybe more actions in the next major-update like jump or dance (10sec.)? and when !move 1, 8 or else, the player should stay for a few seconds more, or a command to stay?
maybe a way to block some players eg. Streamelements or other bots?

i´ve tested some other twitch-overlays but the most are not what i searched for, or working not complete. YOUR Game/Overlay is great!

...oh and in my other earlier comment "post the XP after fight..." i mean write the winner XP in chat or better a txt file so the bot can read the file and write !addpoints $(nick) XP into chat ... but its not important!!! it was only an idea. i think you know what i mean.

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v1.06 has no "TwitchGame_Data" folder!

so i´ll test later when re-uploadet.

(2 edits)

after testing in livestream, some suggestions...

the !leave command seems not working. all fighters stays in game after leaving the stream... for me the command worked only 1 time but not after any fight anymore.
i never seen the queue for fighting after a fight ? or fighting after shown queue...
the idle movement a lil bit slower?
and PLEASE make the !fight command usable for mobile users... i mean in mobile twitch is shown "@nickname" but this doesnt work in game...

and maybe it would nice to post the XP after fight in Chat... to make a command for Bot to give points... do you know what i mean?

And big THX for visit my stream!!!

(2 edits)

SOLVED!!!  in v1.0.5 - invisible players
Thanks for the tip:


wiping that folder helps

(2 edits)

WOW!!! Big THANKS!!!
fighting now works if i write the name without big letters.
maybe is there a way to autojoin if someone writes in chat?

HAHA :)) THX for follow :))

(1 edit)

Hello and THX for the fast Answer!
Yes i´m using the "TwitchGame" from the download here.

i have changes the Game-window-size with "sizer" because in normal it starts with fullscreen with 1920x1080px but my main-screen has only 1280 pixels... and i´m using "Chatty" ... and WOW! today works the !leave command (only 1 time) ^^ but not the fight.

my bot and me ^^ ...