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A member registered Apr 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for trying out our game submission. I look forward to trying your game too in the coming days.

We experienced an unusual source control issue 1 hour before the deadline and the code I worked on that day, being the sfx for the game. Had to be redone so I was only able to get the music back into the game, the sfx unfortunately was not able to be featured in the submission. 

We are looking to finish up the game over the next few weeks however so it can be a portfolio piece we can each be proud of. With the additional art and sfx work that we wanted in the game originally. I did enjoy this game jam. Always an educational experience for me I find.

All the best with your game and look forward to seeing how all the games fair at the end of the ratings period. I shall let you know what I think of your teams game to in a comment. When I can get round to giving it a try :) .

Nice effort. Found the movement a bit fast though.

Sorry I played the game just the once. So to my knowledge just playing the game produced it for me 'but' if this doesnt occur when u play it. It an anomaly.

If I remember correctly. I went left and was presented with the white boss. So i tried to change to black and shoot it so i can damage it. The thing is, i would switch to white after a second. So i had to keep tapping switch so i turn black to do dmg. Against the black boss i could switch to white and just keep attacking. Against the white boss i was not able to keep my black state. Again, if i remember right. I'm quite sure this was near enough what happened though. I would have wanted to be in the opposite colour state so I can dmg but the game would just switch me back to the other colour after  a second or so. 

Amazed. Another outstanding entry for the jam. The art style is mesmerising and the audio fits to. Fun gameplay. Grats on making this during the jam.

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Now. I wasn't expecting that! Superb entry. Wish u all the best with this. I was thinking this is a run of the mill platformer, then, wtf?!?! When I encountered the shadows as platforms mechanic. Played through the rest of the game. From a coding/dev stand point this game has me thinking "so how was this created". This is a great showcase for your dev abilities. The gameplay works brilliantly too. This game has music too xD. Grats on this entry, grats.

Game has potential. Great for a game jam. :( when it ended the game ;)

Now that's a game jam entry! Great game. Great u included a whole lot of features in the game like with the menu system, like the art and music u had in the game also. Enjoyable game.
What did you make this in out of interest? 

Well done on making this game. Cool mechanics using the spacebar depending on this state your in light or shadow.

I like the idea for this game. Great u included audio for the game to. Makes the game appealing.

Awesome audio, takes me back to my early days gaming. Grats on making during the jam. Against the white boss i think there is an issue with keeping the player in the opposite state.

Looks good. Alot done I can tell. Had trouble working out the gameplay though. Liking the artwork and feel of the game still.

A nice puzzler platformer game. How u can use the mouse to move cables and hit switches in order to complete the levels. I had a little bit of trouble jumping at times though. Nice work though! 

Amazing environment. Even though you mentioned on your page things were not included. It felt rather atmospheric with the picture grain and level design, environmental props. Grats on submitting something for the jam.

Clap clap clap. Now this was unexpected. Had to finish the game! Lots involved in here, art, audio, gameplay and it goes on. All of which I felt were excellent. Great job to all involved that made this. Highly enjoyable game. Haha, I quite enjoyed playing this. :D

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Trippiest game i've played, to date. This jam. Lots included in the game still. Nice music, enemy combat too. Change of scenery to from initial level to a 2nd level. Atmospheric. Good work!

Protected my cheese xD

1735 was my highscore by the end. I quite like this game. Good backdrop, the music was good to. i was surprised when I was able to go into the background, I did wander if there was a purpose for it. Turned out it was included when I used a special or something. I really like the game as a whole. Impressive this was made in a 2 days jam. Well done.

Nice game. The falling down to the next level is a cool transition i agree as well like someone else mentioned in comments.

Completed - Enjoyed the game. Like the art style and fitting music. Once i figured out the lose condition I was able to flawless my next run ;). Nice variety of enemies to with there own characteristics; cloud, bucket etc. The level looked good to. Well done!

Nice visuals. Music and sfx included also in the game, good work. I had trouble jumping over the creature along the floor, had to time it perfectly to be able to do it. 

POLISHEDDD. I was gripped. Played through to the end. addictive! Captivating art style. Liking the particle effects and other effects in game. The portal look etc. Game design was well done to. Found challenge curve fitting. Nice ending to. The last level also with the coloured platforms, nice touch. The controls and combo's to completing levels worked nicely to. I had a fun time playing. Nice one for this submission, was a joy to play.

Well made game. Made in a 48hr jam too, must not of been easy. Alot of features in the game seem to work fine to. Audio, art work is in there. Well done with making this!

I like the premise. Good puzzler. Couldn't complete the level though. A clearer indication to what has energy in it would be one feedback from me. But understandably jams are hard to have a fleshed out game. This game has alot involved in it though I believe. Grats on accomplishing this within the jam.

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Well, i had an initial view of this game however as I got into the game, my opinion took a 360 turn.  I found this game has some charm to it. The textures are nice and the faded platforms and ghost work well. I like this platformer. Couldn't get through the level but I found this game enjoyable. Nice music you have for it also, calm sounds. Well done with making this game.