Ah, my bad - I installed the game via the Itch launcher app, so I had no idea that file existed! Apologies for the mistake.
Recent community posts
Hello! I'm really enjoying the game so far - I'm only about an hour in, but it's already very promising. However, I was wondering if there's a credits section anywhere in the game, since I had a look at the ending sequence on YouTube and couldn't spot one, nor is there one in the main menu? I just ask because I recognised the background music as being from the Dustforce OST, which is under a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license; I believe this means you might need to credit it (and might also mean you need to license the game itself under the same license, due to the Share Alike part? I'm not sure, I'm not an expert on these things). Just thought I'd bring it to your attention because I wouldn't want to see such a great game get tangled up in any copyright issues.
Hello - I would love to play this, but there seems to be a bug with the game's resolution; in both windowed mode and fullscreen, the game seems to render larger than my actual monitor resolution (I think it might be rendering as 4k when I'm only in 1080p), so I end up only being able to see the upper-left portion of the game. I would appreciate any advice/fix you can offer, please.
(Also - the game's title appears to be misspelled on the title screen as 'GLPYHTEIST', but given that this is a game about ciphers I don't know whether perhaps that is actually a mistake or if it's a clue to something; if the latter, apologies.)
I'm so glad you'd be happy to make a sitelen Lasin version, thank you! I think as long as the main dialogue is translated, that would definitely be enough, yeah.
As far as posting to Playdate communities - in my opinion, as far as Playdate games are concerned, the more niche the better; the whole idea of the console is to be a little quirky and unusual, so I think the general community would definitely be receptive to you posting about the game! And ma pona pi toki pona is a really friendly place, don't worry - the #pali-musi channel is specifically intended for people to share their projects, so don't feel like you're spamming or anything.
And thank you for the recommendations for the Bitsy games - I haven't come across either yours or Soweli Mu before, so I'll be sure to check them both out.
musi ni li pona mute li suwi mute a! The Playdate is so charming that it feels like a perfect fit for a game in toki pona, I'm glad I'm not the only one who had the same thought!
I'm pretty bad with sitelen pona, so unfortunately I found it very slow to make progress with the game. I'd love to see a version in the Latin alphabet, but I appreciate that it would be a lot of work to make a second version - if you'd be willing to share the source, though, I'd be interested in taking a crack at it myself? Regardless, what I did play was splendid, and I'm still going to find the time to persevere with it somewhen.
You should post this on the Playdate and toki pona Discords (unless you have already and I've just missed it), it'd be great to see more overlap between the two communities - games like this could be a really fun way to introduce people to toki pona!