musi ni li pona mute li suwi mute a! The Playdate is so charming that it feels like a perfect fit for a game in toki pona, I'm glad I'm not the only one who had the same thought!
I'm pretty bad with sitelen pona, so unfortunately I found it very slow to make progress with the game. I'd love to see a version in the Latin alphabet, but I appreciate that it would be a lot of work to make a second version - if you'd be willing to share the source, though, I'd be interested in taking a crack at it myself? Regardless, what I did play was splendid, and I'm still going to find the time to persevere with it somewhen.
You should post this on the Playdate and toki pona Discords (unless you have already and I've just missed it), it'd be great to see more overlap between the two communities - games like this could be a really fun way to introduce people to toki pona!