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A member registered Jan 19, 2018 · View creator page →

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How do i download? app does nto work in my browser. tried on firefox nd wont load there for me ither

hey does this file include the color palette used? cheers

Does the game kit include everything from the other TDS packs or just a few items from each? If I want all the items, should I buy each pack separately or can I just buy this one pack?

ah i use pyxel edit. I'll have to ask someone on asesprite reddit to open it and send it me, as I don't have that programme  

Hello, I will be buying the pack soon, but I just wanted to ask if I could also get the colour palette used so I can use it when I make extra assets, for example, more buildings. cheers

I always looked forward to checking out the submission in the picocad jams, why so few people take part now? is it due to dev adding a fee to buy picocad now? even tho fee is only a few dollars

yep no paypal option is kinda lame no idea why u would not have one.

ah i see I dont mind paying as its great software and well worth the small price you are asking if not more :) was just curious for the sudden change

I thought this software was free? at least it was last time i used it.

or is there a theme that will be announced? thank you all :)

706 is not bad at all, you should try get the ultra blast by hitting dead center on the power bar :P thanks for playing

Thank you glad you enjoyed it :)

hey thanks for playing :) that was the plan but i ran out of time.

haha thanks a lot XD 

The reason i didn't was because i ran out of time to add a check for if the cow had stopped and you used all your farts. otherwise the game could restart when the cow stops even if you had farts left. thanks for playing

Thanks a lot :)

awesome, thank you

(1 edit)

I wanted to add a indicator when you was level with a spike but ran out of time :(  Thanks for playing :D

yah for me it was kitton cannon back in the day XD I remember playing them at school back in 2003 - 2006. Glad you liked it :)

thank you glad you liked it :)

Thank you :) yeah the coins are an effect if you hit dead center of the powerbar and you get an ultra blast XD

Thats awesome thank you :) I did not intend to make it too hard at all, I even used my little sister as a base for how hard it was. She is 11 and was able to finish all 3 levels in just over 35mins. I guess she has a hidden talent for platformers XD.

hey thank you, the only thing that lagged for me once uploaded to itch was the audio and refreshing the page after loading the game always fixed that for me, after work tho i will try remove the effect on the lava and see if that was the cause.

You should try climbing up the "blocked" way on level 2 and you might find something to make it a lil easier :)

Looks like this on 1080p screen, cant resize it to get to the okay button either :(

from the screen shots looks like there is an okay button under it but on a 1080p screen you cant click it XD so when one pops up I cant carry on either :( art is amazing tho

I asked on the pico 8 forums page and the dev said he was working on adding a link account option to the download page

Sky Rogue community · Created a new topic steam key?

how and were do i get it?

option just to buy guns and character sprites would be nice.