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A member registered Mar 31, 2018

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Keith sent me! super stoked, downloading asap

Really hoping this one gets expanded on. will be sharing it with anyone I possibly can

Cant play it rn, about to go to work, but looking forward to this!

Me after reading this- Mind? gone? Braincells? Obliterated. 

I have no idea where this story is going, but i'm hooked. I'm also Genuinely uncertain if I'd be able to choose between "ice" or "fire" rn.

I guess, if push comes to shove, i'm gonna take a the deal, but i'm a greedy man- i'm really hoping I can have my cake AND eat it too.

Really enjoyed the game! the only complaint I have is that I'm not really clear on what the bobblehead hints actually want me to do. currently just trying to brute force unlocking them with different kink/junk settings.

ah, that makes a lot more sense lmao, thanks for clearing it up!

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if you're asking how to find eastbrook-

I don't know how I did it. It might just be time based- I let a few days pass. But I also did Ash's date, then afterwards went back into town and asking finn if he needed help finally gave me the quest to go check out eastbrook.

so again, no idea what triggered it, but that's what I did before the quest popped up. hopefully this helps.

In the beinging, before tchorts deal. The MC was fighting teh knights, he wound up getting stabbed in the back, and one of the knights put the collar on him.

Not exactly sure why they did that, now that I think about it- He was already dying, impaled on a sword and they were going to actually bury his ass. why the hell did they put a spirit enchanted collar on a soon to be dead guy?

oh well, at leats the aesetic is nice.

dragos last cg is in Ruaden's castle/temple/ big fuck off house in teh swamp.

To unlock it, I THINK you need to have unlocked dragos first cg in that playthrough (tavern at the coliseum), then at some point afterwards while hanging out with him mention that you would like to continue what was interrupted (I think the actual dialouge choice is something along the lines of "what happened that night").

If you did everything right, one night while at ruaden's place, dragon will meet you in a hallway at night and invite you back to his room to finish what you started.

drago has two scenes. sicne I don't know exactly which one you mean-

His first scene is in the first tavern you stay at, the one where the coliseum fights take place I think? All you have to do is have a few point of affection with him, then check on him at night. he'll invite you inside, then later ask if you wanna have fun.

Doing so unlocks a foreplay scene between you and drago, but you get interrupted by thane.

The second scene happens later, at ruadens castle/temple/whatever teh hell it is in the swamp. if you've unlocked dragos first scene and shown interest in continuing what was interupted (I forget where the choice is, but if you just hang out with drago as much as possible you should find it easy) He'll meet you in the hallway at night and invite you back to his room to finish what you two started.

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I'll start this off by admiting I'm not exactly sure what I did to unlock Rua's cg6.

It is a game over CG during the swamp encounter, where you let rua's skull friend whose name I cant spell get shot (eknanovia?).

Again, I'm not exactly sure what I did to unlock it? But I belive it to be tied to one specific choice- After the swamp fight, you get a choice to either help ruaden back up, or just listen to him. Listening to him seems to be what triggers the game end (I guess since he didn't get up fast enough for red to notice the danger?)

hope this helps.

getting close. play and see

 TLDR: Not really, but it'll probably play a part in all routes- We just get to see Ray's corrupt content so soon because he's already a bit horny for us, and the others take a bit longer to warm up.

full text block - Kind of? If you go too far into the swamp (the earliest source of corruption) you get to see the MC fap after arriving to the city (This seems to be the earliest "corruption" content). But overall the corruption seems to, at most, change a  few lines of dialogue (And even this might not even be true because I can't think of a specific instance off the top of my head) in everybody's route except ray's.

I think this is mostly because Ray (As much as I love him) is the "easiest" out of the group- everyone else either is too dense (Max), too reserved (Alex), or too wrapped up in their own head (Kody) to really consider relationship stuff yet, whereas Ray from the get go was pretty ready to date you.

alright vn but by GOD unlocking the two Linus combat defeat CG's is still a major pain in the ass (I've been  failing to get them for the past few updates). I've been at it for hours on public 1.06 and RNG is still just not on my side- the Companions just solo him every time, no matter who's route I'm on or how crap my stats are. 

You don't have to nerf the NPC's or anything, but if you plan on including stuff like this in the future, please consider either adding a "Wait" option in combat (no characters take action) or just a straight up "submit" button that will take you straight to a combat defeat scenario.

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CG 4 is "Gentle head bump" and CG 9 is "First kiss"

To get CG 4 you simply need to have at least 3 love with Ray by the time you have the takeout with him at his garden.

CG 9 is trickier because in order to get it, you have to trigger the head bump (CG4). if that wasn't enough, you have to not be lewd with him (Ray) after training, which you can either do by not being corrupted in the first place, or if you ARE corrupted, I think you can still get it if you just say "maybe not right now" when things get hot and heavy during training.

(This seems to be a bit of an oversight as even if you choose "not right now" you still get kissed during training, but then CG 9 triggers later and still acts as if THAT scene was your first kiss)

Just finished playing! I enjoyed myself- I thought it would be more stressful to play, but I guess that's what hardmode is for lmao.
As for suggestions- The only spelling error (?) that I saw was that you seemed to use the word "Trashes" instead of "Thrashes" In the line  -
"Even after the voice ends you keep following its directions, you mind trashes and stumbles as it desperately tries to rise up from the-"

The only real "gameplay" suggestion I have is potentially adding a dialog log/history of some kind? I was a bit eager at one point and skipped over a couple of lines and had to restart in order to go back and read them- but that's hardly game breaking, and more on me than anything. >->"

overall, greatly enjoyed this little demo- the music is good, the graphics give me some nice nostalgia vibes from playing on a Gameboy as a kid, and there's a cute bear. what's not to love?

I'm super stoked to play this, been waiting since you first announced it

Wishing you all well! PC is a VN I have a lot of appreciation and hope for, and i'm rooting for you guys.

Easter egg. It just tends to get referenced a lot due to Lagoon Lounge being one of the OG furry VN's.

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 male version of sleepsong , by secret garden

As far as I can tell, there's no "legit" way to get the pin yet, so we don't need to stress over it. It's just a "Do you try to snoop" flag more than anything right now.

MC is vanilla human. 

It's been a while, so you probably figured it out by now, but I'll answer in case anyone else has similar issues- A lot of the locations on the map are "dead" locations, I.E. there's people or events of interest there at the moment, so you can't go there. The locations you CAN go to have their names highlighted in green when you hover a mouse cursor over them.

It is my personal headcanon that the moon herself is shipping in a shipping war over the MC and Ranok, thus explaining all the supernatural elements.

Whelp, throwing the option of sleep out the window. My angry psychic deer boyfriend must take priority.

Goodbye Tish! You will be missed, But your sacrifice at the altar of the gays will no be forgotten.

Excited to see what ya'll come out with!

It's the male version of "Sleepsong" by Silent garden.

I had to go back and replay the guest scene to catch it, but I do agree that Jean comes across as... off. I dunno if its guilt, but its clear that SOMETHING is weighing on him, and it would explain why he's sending people to the hotel, but not directly interfering. Its also possible that he was behind the MC and Clement meeting, due to how trippy and off kilter the scene of their meeting was.

Its possible? however, the "Child" tablet makes me think its unlikely, as asterious tells the adventurer that "he'd welcome him as a guest with open arms, if it were not for the weapons in the adventures hands". The tablet ends by saying "Perhaps a seasoned warrior would have left the adventurer to die, but a child wouldn't know that a beggar can hide a knife".

This indicated to me that asterious eventually invited him as a guest (in tablet 7- Ichor,  asterious is show to guide them to the weapon, though the circumstances are unclear) and the "guest" did something terrible, incurring the wrath of the gods. Its entirely possible that this something was not even asterious's or anothers death- the child tablet only states that to bring "Woe" into a hosts home is what causes repercussions. interestingly, "Ichor" also mentions that the man who tried to wield the axe still has burn marks on his hands,as only "those favored by the divine" could wield it.

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Yeah, I downloaded .3 about an hour after it came out, only just got to playing it today. My bad, shoulda noticed that there'd been an update, lol. sorry to bother ya!

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While I don't know who Jean is, there is something that aligns with you theory of the killer being bound- In the sixth lore tablet, "Child"- Asterious meets one of the men sent to kill him, who responds that he's seeking a weapon said to be able to kill an immortal, to free his father of his eternal life (His father still aged, making it torture). what is important here, though, is this line- (

 Later in the passage, Asterion calls himself the "Guardian of Daedalus's home" and that the labyrinth itself is "holy ground- "That in the center of the maze lies a shrine made by the gods themselves. The visual description of the tablet also is describes as depicting a butchered bull at the opening of a temple.
a second tablet- 18- "Skyros" also mentions something along these lines-

An interesting theory, but we don't know enough yet.  Asterion and Argos keep making very clear declarations that the master is of "Mankind"- namely in how Asterion constantly is reflecting on the cruelty the hotel brings out in his human jailers. Theres also a few mentions whenever Argos is prattling on about Mankinds duty and veneration of the gods, but usually I'm to busy trying to see the trick in his words to catch the words themselves.. At the same time,the feathers in the vase that you spotted to indicate that the new peacock is definitely tied to the hotel. Also, there is a possibility clement slept with one of the guests, so we can't rule out a clement lineage connection yet.

Also, sorry if there's an official place to report bugs- I was rushing to finish the game before work starts, and wanted to report it as soon aspossible.

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Sorry, couldn't help myself with the topic name. But I have found what I think is a bug- Stat Accumulation.

To explain- When I started the game, and first got the the point where you could choose Arts, humanities, ect. ect. , I selected each choice, named my character, then saved, giving me six different saves. I started with humanities, then went on to arts, then Tech- and it was on tech that I noticed something. Namely, this- ( This caught my attention because I distinctly remember Asterion having no tech at all, and I'd just unlocked the ability for R&D- so none of the characters had a chance to gain a point in tech. So, on a hunch, I took a look at Luke- ( Again, I remembered Luke having a MUCH lower tech score. I didn't think on it, and completed the run, then jumped over to the math run. Again, as soon as I gained the ability to do R&D, I looked at their scores- Asterion (
Luke (
So, just to be thorough, I started a fresh save, from the title menu, and ran through a quick humanity run just to see what the scores would be. and, again ( boosted stats. 

Anyways, sorry for text block and the spam of links.

In the original, there was no route for Tora. The closest you get is... halfway through Juichi's route, I think (in the original game). You get a choice between Tora and Juichi, and the game ends if you choose Tora.

Not going to lie, I almost passed over Nerus. I'm eternally grateful I didn't cause I've fallen in love with this VN, and it's barely even started.