This game is kind of perfekt...
... but some of the text is a bit 2 bright for my eyes (@_@;)
Jup, that's a big problem for a small developer.
A possible (maybe temporary) solution would be Stable Diffusion. Just be clear about the use of it and negative feedback should be imperceptible.
If you don't know what to expect just check here:
... and it can also create nsfw stuff ;)
This game is rly something. Good writing and detailed, figurative notation.
In this aspect its better than a lot of other games here on
But the missing visuals and the kind of not existing red line probably scares away most of potential enjoyers.
Do you ever thought about a reinterpretation of the game with Godot or Ren'Py?
I also put some time in the right choices. But now after bouth tribes are fine and Nauxius and Thane love the mc, I am fine with it.
I also think that it should be possibe 2 made some money and buy the bages back. After all the trader down there sayed that I can buy it back later, but after the event its impossible 2 work down there anymore. But why? Honey is also such a normal thing that it should be possible 2 get it somewere else...
He allrdy showed some possible ways 2 show different gear on your own character.
But transformation would make CGs impossible and there is allrdy one in the Patreon-Build. Also this kind of feature will need 2 have a lot different writing or a system that changes the writing automatically and for this kind of stuff this VN would need 2 run on an other software that supports this kind of stuff...
I would like this kind of stuff 2 but if you are looking for this you probably should play 'Flexible Survival', 'Trials in Tainted Space' or 'Lilith's Throne'.
I can fight fight Gargoyles just fine without the Joker Badge and my sword is allrdy maxed out and I killed the ghost before I had the last badge >_> And at least I now have all the stuff from the auction. The hand 4xable was rly 'handy' some times after I got it =P
And even If I had an older save, I would probably not play all the content again, just for some honey. btw.: what would happen if I show the boot-driving ghost the badge?
I recency found out about the possibility of 'RECRUITING BREAD' and run into some problems.
I need 'jam oatmeal bread' what is no real problem. But the 'jam honey cake' with his honey as ingredient is. I think I ate this tasty cake a long time ago by myself and now I have no idea were 2 find some new honey (˘・_・˘)
Also what is the rectangular Item mentioned on the door to Breads hideout? I hope that its not the Prince or the Knight Badge, because I sold them and can't buy them back with no way 2 make Bevocr.
Uh... that was a good one! I love the new artworks! Good writing as always.
Only the amorous scenes could be even better with some more detail and description/ maybe a bit longer.
btw are there plans 2 go in a similar way with this game like Hyao? With exploring or a way 2 get back 2 previous encounters? This would be rly nice!
What a nice game with a good story and interesting characters. Much more furry and monster stuff than I thought. But I was here 4 that anyway (⓿_⓿)
Would be nice 2 have the possibility 2 "explore" more of it...
Can't wait 2 see more of the dungeon and the monsters there and than "Hogwarts" awaits :D