Sorry, took a while to get back here. Yeah, that test version works on the same setup. <3
A member registered Nov 24, 2016 · View creator page →
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The latest version doesn’t render, shows only a black screen. Console says:
WebGL warning: enableVertexAttribArray: -1 is not a valid `index`. This value probably comes from a getAttribLocation() call, where this return value -1 means that the passed name didn't correspond to an active attribute in the specified program. (main.a82e5041.js:66:7389)
WebGL warning: vertexAttribDivisor: -1 is not a valid `index`. This value probably comes from a getAttribLocation() call, where this return value -1 means that the passed name didn't correspond to an active attribute in the specified program. (main.a82e5041.js:66:7418)
WebGL warning: vertexAttribI?Pointer: `index` (4294967295) must be < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS. (main.a82e5041.js:66:7445)
WebGL warning: drawArraysInstanced: One active vertex attrib (if any are active) must have a divisor of 0. (x29) (main.a82e5041.js:66:9381)
WebGL: No further warnings will be reported for this WebGL context. (already reported 32 warnings) (main.a82e5041.js:66:9381)
Firefox 84.0.1, OpenGL 4.5 (mesa 20.3.1 on linux)