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A member registered Dec 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing and leaving a comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed playing it. It could so do with more work, especially with the aim. I was also playing around with the idea of having a limited water supply for the droplet shooter

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing and giving feedback. I really like your idea of indicating the direction the bricks will move. I had originally planned the game to be a turn-based game and did have a similar idea for the bricks. I can see it would still work well if I could show where they'll move next.

Yeah, my son found this little trick. A cooldown would be good in this case for sure. Thanks for the suggestion. I'm glad you enjoyed the game.

Thank you. This is the game where I've learnt the most. I took more time to plan it rather than cobble it together as I went along, which is usually my style!

This is a really nice comment to wake up to, thank you. I ran out of time to build a reward system for the aliens but I kept them in just to offer a little bit of variety. I wanted them to sound like Lemmings when they explode and get them to say some silly sayings to make the player smile.

Thank you for taking the time to comment and offer feedback. I have learnt so much making the particular game and I was prioritising accessibility over the artwork (which usually takes up the majority of my time during a jam).  32 is definitely a win for sure, a high score leader board was on the to do list.

I enjoyed this game a great deal. Maybe make it clearer when you reach the boundary's edge. I thought it was nicely balanced. Good job!

I enjoyed this game a great deal. Maybe make it clearer when you reach the boundary's edge. I thought it was nicely balanced. Good job!

Thank you! And thanks for organising the Jam!!

Thank you so much for the lovely comment. Yeah, targeting the squares at the rear of the grid isn't perfect but these comments have encouraged me to work on it further and polish it.

This is all good feedback. I never thought about that, thanks for playing!

Now this I like very much. Such a great idea and I think you've balanced it just right with the fading lantern and the little light power-ups. 

I really like the idea, though I found if I stuck to the edges I had a better chance of lasting longer without colliding with anything. This is the start of a great idea, maybe speed it up a little and possible add a maze element also. That would really mess with my brain if I had to navigate two mazes at once! Keep going with it, it's a great concept.

Thank yoooou! If you would like to play the latest version (I've been polishing it for some time now) click here: 

I came here looking for contact details for you to see if you wanted to test me game. I've had me head down for so long, I've missed your latest games. I really like this survivor game. I've not played many games of this type but I enjoyed this one. I see from the comments you lost interest and didn't add the audio. Maybe after a break, add some sound effects? I think it would be brilliant with a little bit of audio.

I saw a screenshot of this the other day and was really interested to see what it's like. I think the idea behind it is great and I really enjoyed playing it.

Thank you for such a nice comment. The parcel delivery job is the main mechanic (admittedly, not that clear but you get your orders from the shop) but there are many more little Easter eggs to discover, like the gambling machine in the shop, a secret to discover about the burgers in the diner and farming. I'm really glad that you enjoyed it.

I really enjoyed playing your game. It was fun. Good job!

I love this so much. I too was a huge fan of Ceefax as a kid and this game captures it really well. Nice job!

What an interesting idea, really enjoyed playing this. I especially like the blue line split screen. Maybe add a level reset button to make it easier to restart levels.

That's a great comment to read, thank you. I'm struggling with focus and motivation at the minute and this game was a way to force myself to start creating again. Thank you!!

Thank you! I was trying to  experiment with building a minimalist game that's fun to play.

That's what I was going for. It's not a very long game so it gets difficult quite quickly. I was worried it might be to much too quickly.

21! I think I know where in the game that is. It's not a very long game so the difficulty ramps up quite quickly. Thank you for giving it a play.

Thank you. I was going for minimalist but addictive.

I really like the smoothness of the player's sprite. Well done.

I'm glad you liked my game. My son found the same issue earlier today too, thanks for letting me know.

Hey, thanks for playing and commenting. I find myself learning with every game submitted to a game jam and try and factor in suggestions made by people into my next entries. Thanks again.