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A member registered Jan 28, 2022

Recent community posts

Nice concept, reminds me of a town game I played awhile back (that was really broken).  Played until I couldn't complete any more quests because it was calling for a torch, but nothing gave torches.

Nice game, just waiting for 1 billion so I can purchase counter attack.

(1 edit)

Nice game.  I was only able to get endings 1 and 4.

edit: I now got ending 3.  Just need to figure out ending 2.

Just bought the Chef.  What exactly does the Chef do besides run back and forth

Yep, that worked.  Good game.

Full screen mode makes it so that the purchases are hidden and unable to scroll down to them.  I'm using Firefox on a laptop, so not sure if that is a common problem with others or not.

Just wanted to point out that the coins line is overlapping the purchases.  I am playing on Firefox, so I don't know if that might be a problem or not.

Even without it being in English, the game was easy to understand.  Good game.  I had fun.

Same here.  Good game, though.

Thank you.  I actually had noticed I missed something right after I posted.

Thank you.

Nice, simple game.  Took me less than 24 hrs to get all upgrades maxed out, but it was fun.  I only had to prestige one time.  Hope there will be more in the future.

Ran into a bug, it seems you can keep hitting buy max and it will sell you a ton of the item (land or factory) without having to have the required gold amount.  I was also able to somehow buy the gold axe with only having ~8k gold.

Other than that, nice game.

Nice game.  How do you open the middle drawer on the dresser?

Nice game, but how do you rebirth?  I've unlocked all of the buildingz and made it past level 64.

Fun game.

Cell cost is displayed incorrectly.  It says 125 energy but it actually costs 140.

Okay, so here is a few suggestions I'd like to make.  When opening an upgrade menu, maybe just have it swap over to a whole new screen instead of making it a pop-up screen that you have to scroll around in to find the upgrade you want.  Also, the copper unlock is incorrect on the UI screen.  I was well past the amount it said and it wouldn't unlock until after I had uranium and others unlocked, so you might want to double check the number for that.  Also, the image of the item being crushed should have a cap on how big it can get.  Other than that, the game has a lot of potential.

So, not sure if this is a bug or something, but I'm playing on browser and after I purchased the worker speed upgrade, it won't increase after level 3.  Nice game, though.

Nice game.

Seems interesting.

Potential bug, but when the blue box appears with the fade in/ fade out, if you click it, you get the prestige bonus before level 100.  I don't know if it works on the green box and the whisper box doesn't show up like that.

Good game, but needs a little bit of a tutorial so we know what to do.  I honestly didn't think the button at the bottom was an upgrade menu, I thought it was a save icon.  Maybe also turn the font color for the coins and whatever the red things are to black instead of white, as white tends to clash with the background making it so difficult to read at times.

Would be nice if we can see what achievements we unlocked.  Otherwise, neat game.  Also, having to scroll the upgrade menu up manually instead of just clicking it is a bit tedious.

No matter how many times I roll, my points are still NaN, so therefore, I can't even buy any upgrades at all, so I can't even progress in the game.

This is fun.  Got all the upgrades by -4mil.  Would love to see a fully fleshed out game in the future.

Thanks.  I followed your tips and beat the game with 2.5 days to go.

Only played for not even 30 seconds, but I already see some problems.

  • No clear objectives.
  • The buttons for the "collect" don't work when clicking on it, so the hit box is wrong.
  • And when hitting the full screen button, it turns the screen completely yellow, and when you exit it, it stays yellow.

Is okay.  The game is still fun, though.

I noticed that as well.  I can't run this game 24/7 because I work, eat, and sleep.

Nice game, but when in full screen mode, it cuts off everything at the bottom and it won't scroll down.  Maybe add a way to move the trees down by clicking and dragging, or maybe a scroll bar.  Or, when in full screen mode, maybe make the boxes smaller to fit them all on the one screen.

I enjoyed this game so much.  I play games with my sound muted, so I don't know how the sounds (if any) were, but the visual style was great.  Reminds me of the old (and I mean like 90s old) computer games.  You did a great job.