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Saints RS

A member registered Jul 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you, glad you ! In future updates it will gain complete levels, the slime can walk freely and not running away from acid.

Thank you!

I had issue with time in my game too, lol. The game also made me remember the old california games from consoles and pcs.

Lol, thank you for reply. The mage will be like a slime master sometime in future.

Ah the acid I saw some comments :o Its something I will work too, and plans for normal levels without acid escape

Rio Grande do Sul State, Brasil. The water is decreasing now, some areas need cleaning and rebuild in next days.

Thank you for review! Yeah, he can climb all the wall in vertical line.

Fun short game, I like the adventure style, the 1st camera view make it few immersive 

Thank you for play and comment! 

Nice short game, similar to the idle games. I couldnt handle all the hammers at same time :o Will try again later

Beautiful game, a nice beach exploration game to gain resources and make sculptures. I couldnt gall the resources to make the big sculpture, will try later

A game with much potential, tried catch some waves. I enjoyed the waves animation and character movement

A beautiful and chill game. Easy to learn, the perfect game to play if you just want relax. Awesome game art too. Congrats team

A nice game! The music give a feelin of mistery, or being loss in deep ocean, I like the light effect underwater and music change too. A bit hard the game, sometimes I couldnt fire the harpoon, and inventory screen got stuck a time too. The game is a good presentation about aqua universe.

Thank you for play! You can use the up directional for jump too, spacebar is for retry scene

Ohh sorry for rage quit, lol. In next updates game will have other levels not required to runaway from acid.

Thank you for play! Also look my other games, at moment the only I would call finished is the slime game (other kind of slime) :p

Great game! I found it at pixel art jam. in RL my region is affected now by a big flood, its a theme we are seeing here now.

Hi everyone!

I still new in gamedev, and discovering is something great for me. I started making a sidescroller game called slime game (Game is almost done, I need to do some fixes and add music).

Super Slime game V 0.90 by SaintsRS (

Recently I started join game jams, this is my current game.Keep the light on V004 by SaintsRS (

Thank you in advance! If you want chat or comment in my games, you are welcome

Super Slime game V 0.90 by SaintsRS (

Thank you! Its my first jam too, its much fun see all the projects and receive feedback. I will join more :)

Thank you for review! Its good to know what you think.

Yes have many ideas  to add in  game, for this jam I had few time to plan anything more challenging.

It can be a dungeon game with battles, or some focused in puzzle and exploration, is something I will try in next updates

I want to keep the game fun and simple.

Thank you again

Nice game, easy to learn. We can update our equip after each win.

Nice game, easy to learn. We can update our equip after each win.

Valeu por avisar, ia tentar :o

I remember play this game around 2009. Glad to see on itchio

Ahh this one has more hazards, tried put all diferent slimes in this stage, and a heart for recover life

Thank you for your feedback!

Its a good idea add the wasd. In begin I wasnt sure how many moves the player would have, and was saving the up arrow for some special action.

In next updates will look forward it. Thank you for play! 

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I wish we could beat that stranger, but the vulnerability and insecurity is the feeling the game want show. Great lesson too.

Thank you for your support! Glad you like

(1 edit)

A simple plataform game, about a slime main character, or a ball.. something like that. Its early stage. Closed Beta as it currently have only 1 minute time length