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A member registered Mar 04, 2019

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LOL looks like you should put in a walkthrough for those that need it.

(1 edit)

Sure, just gonna drop it so others don't see it immediately.











You tell Yuel you have to be careful, rather than that you'll always be there.

That was a bit more twisty, but yes! Twists are my bread and butter. 

Maybe as a twist ending. Kinda like the first Saw movie. I think the first Saw movie is boring, but the twist of the "dead" body you're trapped in the room with being the mastermind behind your predicament was priceless.

However it goes, I love seeing those boys together. It makes me happy, even if I do cry at some point in their games lol.

Yaaayyyy!!!! That's my favorite of the games with them so far. Mostly because To Have and To Hold felt kinda rushed with them getting together. I actually think of that one as a sequel to Unluckily in Love, like they lost contact for a while and then meet again a decade or so later. The only inconsistency of thinking that way is Khalil's time of death because it's current in both games lol.

Joiplay with the Renpy plugin lets you play windows versions on android. I use it for some of the itch games that don't bother with android releases.


Scroll about halfway, you'll find the newest release and the Renpy plugin not much further down.

Game: What should we call it?


Anyway, I'd have loved to see romance between Ralph and Nathan, despite Tyler's aversion to it, but it wasn't that type of game so I get it. Maybe if you do a sequel you could include some of that lol. You certainly set it up for a sequel, and I honestly love detective games (though I normally play ones where they're killing each other, such as Danganronpa).

Oh, of course it was. I'm not usually a fan of historical... Well, anything, but I'm a huge sucker for Tavi and Yuel, no matter the environment. The bad endings make me wanna replay Unluckily in Love though lol.

So... I thought I was gonna have a good ending my first playthrough, went through the credits and then Salim pops in. I cried.

My second playthrough I purposefully chose different choices, another bad ending that made me cry harder... Seriously Yuel, while Tavi is SLEEPING NEXT TO YOU?!? Ffs... What a horrible wake up call...

Finally got a good one my third time. Though geez these historical ones just rip my heart out. Things aren't much easier for them in modern times, but at least they don't have to deal with the royalty thing hanging over their heads. "Must produce an heir" my ass. Let Khalil's bloodline END, man! 

I haven't tried match coffee. Didn't even know that's a thing. I'll have to see if I can find it anywhere lol.

Actually, I think I got the Americano mixed up with something else, my bad lol. I don't know much about coffee other than enough to order some at a cafe. And normally I go with a matcha milk tea.

Interesting. Kinda predictable, as soon as they talked about wishing on shooting stars I was like "Ah, that's what happens..."

I laughed several times because just like them I have the humor of a 12 year old boy sometimes... And dad jokes are some of my favorites.

MC talked about boobs immediately and I was like "what about moobs?" Then he was later wanting to squeeze them uncle moobs and I was happy.

Only thing is the drink recommendations are weird sometimes lol. Someone asks for something bitter and we give them an americano? Those are supposed to be sweet (and also like half milk, so offering it to someone who doesn't want a drink with milk is weird). 

I saved right before each order anyway just in case, but some of them I was like "lol whut?"

I just started playing the revamp after playing the original a couple years ago (after it was finished already). 

I'm not far, just at the shower scene, and just had a minor thing I wanted to express my opinion on: The revamp shower seems a bit too bright for having half the lights out/uneven lighting.

A suggestion: add (cancelled) to the title.

It's cute seeing someone ace and aro fall in love. I relate to Gerald way too well lol.

I didn't struggle with the acting minigame much, except in the scene where Chase asks Belle for a date. Took me a few tries to get the right emotion. 

I wonder if most people missed the description of Chase's character. Since he's arrogant, he's largely cocky.

Yes! That's what I love so much!

Although, knowing that Yuel's mom and Tavi's dad were a thing, my headcanon is that they're half brothers but don't know it. Especially after playing All Idleness and Ephemera. Either way, I love seeing them accept each other flaws and all.

I actually enjoy stories that have some conflict, and considering Yuel's personality and upbringing, OF COURSE he deals with horrible depression. So I don't mind crying, especially if there's a happy ending. 

I stayed up til midnight finishing this one. I'm obsessed with these two! Their dynamic is so cute and Yuel struggling with coming to terms that he's in love with his own cousin make me cry but the happy endings make me smile.

I can relate to Yuel in a lot of ways, mostly because of mental health issues, but I love seeing him find someone who loves him. 

And I love how Tavi has such a small pool of people he cares about, but that Yuel is one of them, and possibly even his favorite, is so sweet. 

Short, cute, and out a day after my bday.

Redheaded mobster in sportswear with a choker, glasses, and eyebrow piercing. Hell. Yes.

I do love dark psychological ones too! Especially with a little yandere flair. 

My favorite tropes, huh? Hoo boy, you opened the worm can. Since I've played all your games and liked so many, this will get long. 

Here goes... 

Enemies to lovers is probably my favorite. I also like teacher/student and that sort of thing, authority and charge basically. I guess kinda opposites-attract too (Gavin and Kai, Just my Buddy). 

My ultimate love interest would be tsundere and bespectacled (Aeron from Nursery, older Gavin), have piercings and/or tattoos (Renan from Pact), long hair (Lance from Prince/Villain), and a twisted personality (Asa from Forsaken), mental health issues (Sam from the Forgive series) or weird hobby (Rapscallions LIs) depending on game type. Weird hobby for a comedy, twisted personality or mental health issues for a darker type of game. My favorite games have some angst but a happy ending, like Mixed Feelings or Prince and Villain. 

Even though it's not BL, I actually liked most of the LIs in Rapscallions on Deck. The weird hobbies that want to shoot something, or constantly offer to amputate something make me laugh. Perfect for a comedy. 

Obviously, my favorite (lighthearted) game you've done was Nursery, and my favorite character is Aeron. He's like my ultimate type, tsundere with glasses. Gareth is a close second. It's weird but I like opposites like that. 

My favorite not-lighthearted game is definitely Forgive my Desires, Father. It's perfectly twisted and dark, but can have a happy ending... Again, that goes back to the authority figure and charge trope, plus mental health issues. 

I have a hard time playing it because I get so angry at Gabriel (What if you made a separate what-if game where Gabriel stays a guardian secretly loving and envying from afar?), but in Forsaken I love Asa. I've come to realize how much I like seeing people I like upset (like Asa). In games, I like choosing things that'll show me someone cry or pout; I save screenshots of upset faces in manga too.

Wish you could pursue Theo in Fisherman. His personality is one of my faves. 

I really have played all but one of your games. I skipped Rent an Owner since it was more of a concept, but that's the only one. 

I probably just shared way more than you wanted, so I'll stop there. I'm an autistic fan that obsessed over your games, so sorry about the essay! 

Picked my favorite game so far and figured I'd leave this...

I have a LOT of favorite scenes. ^w^

Looking forward to more.

It also helps that more people can experience the charm of your games if they're free. Once I played the free ones, I didn't bat an eye at paying a few bucks for them. I've even wound up buying on Steam separately at times just to help you out because I love your games so much. 

Knew it! Yay Chani for being inclusive! 

Did they ever mention that? I kinda assumed they were nonbinary.

(1 edit)

I'm holding off a full review since I literally just started, but I had to mention the irony. The same day I watched a YouTube video about whether or not breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day is the same day I play this. Vincent claiming that made me smirk.

Also, I'm surprised this one's free. Either way, you'd have me going "shut up and take my money" but it's still nice to save a few bucks. 


Finished! While the confusing the twins part is a bit cliche, I'm glad it wasn't the basis for the whole game. As always, so glad there's no sexual tension~ Love both brothers and kinda wish you could date both. Like they said, they each have different qualities, but since we have Prince/Villain (and it's sequel) it's fine that it's one-or-the-other. 

Normally I prefer the mischievous character but this time I liked Vernon more. He wasn't overly nice or doting. Those characters generally make me uncomfortable, my first thought is "what do you want?" 

Vincent was perhaps a bit too douchey for my taste, but it's literally in the title so... Lol.

Overall, a bit mixed for me. Love your artwork, the MC was relatable to me, side characters were adorable. When I saw you could mention cute and bubbly at the dinner, I thought "Is Jamie an option?" I picked it literally to see the twins' disappointed faces... I'm evil like that, tee hee~ If anything, I'm glad you spend most of the time with Vernon cause Vincent just annoyed me, even if I knew why he was acting that way.

Anyways, looking forward to upcoming games! Seriously, I'll reiterate what someone else asked... Do you sleep? xD

I certainly don't mind sex scenes, but I prefer when it's done after a connection between characters has been firmly established. I'm demisexual, though, so that could just be my own sexuality talking lol. I can take it or leave it, even irl. Sex is extremely low in importance to me. 

It just bugs me that so many people focus on the physical part of a relationship. Sex isn't everything, and relationships built on such a thing fail like 99% of the time. 

Probably why your games are such a breath of fresh air. If there's any sort of hint of such a thing, it's just when sharing your bed with Percy or Gavin in Prince or Villain, and even then it's up to the player to fill in the blanks if they want. 

Well, I mean... the signs were all there. Being able to touch ghosts was a big one, then not being tired or thirsty/hungry after staying up all night? Yeah...

I totally getcha. I love that you make so many BL games. Forgive my Desires is still my favorite, with Mixed Feelings being a close second. 

Honestly your games let me live out my gay little fantasies, and have helped cement my 'types'. I also love that you don't shy away from polyamory, or imperfections. Your games normally just feel so realistic and not like fairytales. 

I always feel like there aren't enough gay games with actual humans (the majority on itch are furry... I don't dislike them, but I gotta be in the mood). And the ones that do focus on humans are almost always focused more on sex than the relationship aspect. I prefer when sex is a secondary or even tertiary motivation for people. Plus, making the characters likeable and relatable... I swear most MCs are just dull nobodies that are walking sex dolls for everyone else in the game. Usually the models/art used are even generic. 

(1 edit)

I did play it, it was short enough. 

Naturally the story is charming even if both characters are women. I like their personalities and backstories even if it's not my preferred coupling. I can imagine it being difficult to write those backstories for males.

But yeah, I'm cool with whatever you make, even if I pass based on the subject matter sometimes. It would certainly expand your fanbase if you do more than just BL. Nobody can fault you for that, especially if you simply want to make those games. 

(Because spoilers, I put this at the bottom)

The twist I saw from a mile away, but there were many hints. I feel more sorry for Cynthia's father honestly, because she can never take back what she said and he has to live with the guilt of pushing his daughter away and thinking she left while hating him. Meanwhile, since she still regrets her last words, she and Lynette can stay together. Unless her disappearing at the end was meat to symbolize her moving on. 

I downloaded it on Sept 21, so maybe its been updated since.

And yeah, getting a route was simple. I wasn't sure how hard LI 4's would be because the necessary goals seemed hefty at first, but it was really simple if you're a good little cupid lol.

I actually sabotaged both couples in my pursuit of Cy, because I wanted to easily switch to Kido afterwards. Easy peasy. Seemed like it'd be pretty easy to get almost everyone available in one playthrough and just save right before the confessions. 

I haven't tried it personally, I just have a difficult time getting into most yuri content. I kinda have to be in the mood to give it a shot.

However, I have no issue with you trying out other genres if that's what you wanna do. Despite being an otome, I checked out Rapscallions and ended up really enjoying it-- In part because the MC wasn't super effeminate (I was born female but relate more to men and prefer male pronouns), but the story was just so cute. I was surprised because isekai stories aren't usually my thing. 

As for the more serious subject matter, that's also not something that would put me off. I love light hearted games but I thoroughly enjoy more serious dramas and mysteries too. My favorite movie genre is horror.

Like another said, I also generally prefer games with multiple endings, BUT I literally just played a kinetic VN yesterday and enjoyed it. 

Since you're explicitly asking for feedback, I will go ahead and play this one to give a more in-depth review. 

I don't think you need to worry so much about how your games are received though. The art is charming, the stories are enjoyable, and if you want to make it then you should. 

Alright, well I write fanfics and my offer to help or even just to be someone to bounce ideas off of stands if you ever need it.

Honestly I just like writing and helping people, so I don't really care about compensation personally, especially in cases such as one person making games and being unable to do it all themselves. It's a lot of work.

What was your previous writer supposed to be working on? Like, did you have a basic outline for the game already and they were just supposed to type it up, writing full routes, or what?

I ask because I'd love to help if I could, no payment necessary. I just like the game so far and while I have no problem waiting however long is needed, I want to help. 

Love the concept, Kido is my favorite (enemies to lovers is one of my favorite tropes).

I wanna replay the first half to see what happens when you encourage couples against their soulmates cause I played it like a good little cupid and saved the second half to switch LIs easily.

LI 4 (avoiding name spoilers) was my first, since I tend to play in least favorite to favorite; turned out I should've saved him for second to last but oh well. He's so sweet. 

I totally called Cy's soulmate long before it was revealed. Same with Kido and Luan (I honestly didn't read the page, I just went "OMG NEW GAME *BUY*"). 

It's a little grindy and the mini game is a little difficult on Android because it's a bit fast, but I understand the link between stats and the next club level. At least that skip button makes it a little easier to deal with the repeated scenes.

Thanks again for the gallery! It makes me smile. 

Hey, take your time. Art such as this shouldn't be rushed. I can't say I'm patient because it's really amazing and I'm like "WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!?" But I know making games can be challenging. I'll wait forever for a good game. 

This is amazing! It sucked me into the story so fast, I couldn't put it down til I finished the demo.

I'm so excited!

Awww poor Lance!

I'm sorry, you're so sweet but I love Gavin so much! Besides, my life would suck if I dated a popular celebrity. Zero privacy, eugh.

Great game even if the endings are a little sad. Seriously, as soon as I saw a new game went up, I had to get it. Honestly, I'm wondering if I'm your biggest fan lol. 

Possible spoilers below... 






I kept thinking the throuple should get together (now that Kai is back) and find a new apartment where they could get a king size bed to fit them all. I imagine Kai being cuddled from both sides. Gavin hugging from behind and Percy hugging from the front, it sounds so cute. 

I had two thoughts. The first was how nice it'd be to see a Percy/Gavin sequel putting the pieces together after Kai leaves. I've been wanting to see those two hit it off and fall in love since the first game. 

The other was I wondered how Lance would hit it off with Mr. Receptionist, Brendan. 

Suddenly, Lance finds himself at a beachside resort with a charming receptionist, who seems sad after the person he had a crush on (Aries) rejected him for his childhood friend (Ross). And they bond, because Lance also lost his crush (Kai) to childhood friends (Percy and Gavin). Plus Lance keeps sneaking off to get sweets from the kitchen. 

I think you're misunderstanding me, but I'm not sure how to articulate what I mean. I'm gonna try though. 

Take this as an example: https://fouzi94.itch.io/existence

Notice how it doesn't specify the price up front, but if you scroll to downloads it has files listed for "If you pay $*** or more" 

I just wondered if there was a way to specify the full game as "If you pay $25 or more" in the individual files. 

For some reason itch sees this differently than the full game price. 

I know cause other games were like "if you pay $3 or more" for certain files, then later an update was uploaded as "$5 or more" and I only had to pay an additional $2 for the new files. 

If that's confusing, I'm sorry. Honestly idc if I, personally, have the walkthrough or not, I just wanted to try to help you out.