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Samuel Sousa

A member registered Apr 25, 2015 · View creator page →

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Glad you liked it :) 

There's a sort of satisfaction one feels when lighting up the sky when spamming the space bar even if for just a moment while the novelty lasts. 


Thanks! Glad you liked it.

Hi, thanks!
Although those are good ideas for expanding it, I don't intend to explore it any further. 
Tic Tac Toe Spa is just a small project, a tech demo, experiment; meant to create this small scene that I had in my head for some time.



Solid presentation. Clean art. 
Liked the layers parallax scrolling effect on mouse move. 
A little more sound would be great would fill a whole lot the ambience.
Keep it going!

Thanks for giving it a go.

Cool stuff! 
Love the concept. Didn't manage to get too far in. Time run out on me.
Turned on the radio, used the computer, manage to collect 8 the notes and found 1 secret room.
Looking to try out once again later.

(2 edits)

Hello world! 

Presenting to you Tic Tac Toe Spa, a small project developed in Babylon.js, with 3D graphics playable directly in your browser with no add-ons. I've been working with Babylon.js for quite some time and for this past month I decided to create a very simple game to celebrate my experience with it.

Tic Tac Toe Spa is a simple game of Tic Tac Toe with no need for explanation. However, if you never heard of it, players take turns trying to match 3 Xs or Os in line, first to do so wins. 

This versions wraps that simple concept in a calm and relaxing natural environment. 

You can play it here:


Hit the follow button. 
Stay safe and have fun!
|  Link Tree  |
See ya!

I don't remeber exactly Pilotwings controls but I felt controlling this with keyboard a lot unintuitive. I felt I was trying to hard.
So Ithink you need to get a controller implemented on this and make use of the mouse aside WASD.

Other than, looks very nice and sharp. 
And the JetPack was the "vehicle" I like the most back then. One could make a game only focused on that.

(2 edits)

Nice! I loved the Pitfall vibes when swinging on the rope ;)

Oh Man! 
I had completely forgot the hours I spent 100%ing pilotwings 64...
Very interesting :)

I would color code enemies and spells so players would have to make meaningfull choices, use arena level design for only big encounters in size or number, make levels with exploration branches, add lore and others to collect and read.  A sort of mini "Harry Pottroid Prime" . 

Thank you. 

This update was essentially just boosting that Frame Rate

 Harry Potter vibes. 

Not much to it but Feels polished... Can become something very interesting. 

Short but Works. Good job

A gem. That story is definitely very diferent and is interesting how we get older and turn our imterests to other things but playing an elementary school concept project feels refreshing. 

I liked the wave effects and bouncyness of the boat. Could be An interesting RC Pro Am with boats. 

Not my cup of tea but there is fun to be had here. 

The AMR1 version camera didn't seem very intuitive. 

A great proof of concept. Definitely something worth looking into

Very interesting how you change speed. Even though it lacks polish had fun trying it out

The polish shows. Great job! 

Impressive and very interesting.

Love the music, the background, the zoom in and out and extracting materials feels really sweet. Wasn't able to craft anything just kept digging :) 

I like the vibrant colours and the blockyness. 

Add in some cute and quirky music and dialogs and this can be a fun little experiment. 

Thank you! 


Will try to fix that lag once I got a little more time in my hands. 

OUYA!!! Thank you very much! :) 

Hello to you too! :)

Nice work. Thanks for crediting ;)

Cool, very useful ;)

What happened to hugging and kissing? :)

Cool cute blood sport!  ;)

Well, It happens...
I like how you chose to announce this. 

Love it. Reminds me of Gyruss!
Congrats on the Opera GX Jam trophy.

(1 edit)

Just watched your stream. This is looking very solid. 
Awesome stuff!

Good to know :)

Hi community!

Back in 2011, I was working on a small action-adventure project in which there was an arcade level section in which you could play arcade games. Shoot & Destroy was one of those small arcade games designed for that arcade level section reminiscent of the 80's. Still with me!?!   :)

I had so much fun creating this small thing that I decided to create some more stuff. Utimately, I decided to can the action-adventure game project and, in the end, I never got to properly finish any of these small projects.

This month marks that moment in life 10th anniversary. To celebrate, these past few month I added a few more hours into - Shoot & Destroy - and created an "eXtended" version - Shoot & Destroy X.

Shoot & Destroy - Save the Galaxy 


Shoot & Destroy X is an extended edition celebrating this 1-bit shoot'em up's 10th anniversary. An outer space menace is at large destroying and conquering the galaxy. It's up to you, the lone aircraft pilot, to fly up there and put an end to it. Features:  

  • A 20 minute campaign - 4 Levels, 3 Bosses, 3 Power-Ups.  
  • Includes a save system to save your score and 3 hidden achievements.
  • Controller Support.

Available for PC, OUYA and OUYA compatible android systems.
