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Sandy Pug Games

A member registered Mar 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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Nothing in my life has understood me quite like this book. The opening chapters finally give voice to a thousand stammered ideas and misjudged moments. I'll be thankful for this text for the rest of my life, and I'll be quoting it for long after besides. Much love Talia, thank you. Pls buy this book!

Yeah, I need to upgrade our hosting when I get back from Honeymoon, should be a week or so.

it's unlikely. We consider the free version of the rules usually hosted at a replacement for our community copies at be this point.

Good idea, I'll put something together. I just started working on a bunch of new stuff for this so shouldn't be super far out.

There's also the eternally free version here; tho it looks like we're so popular this month you'll have to wait till our hosting renews 😅`

Yep, just email me and I'll send it through.

I'd really like to port in some city gen tech I've built for other games. Esp now that I've had way more experience doing tables for OSR-adjacent dungeons and game systems I think I could do something neat with this. 

There's a handful of errors in the base building right now, should have it cleaned up soon. Thanks for the heads up! Really excited about where the game is at rn

Your first interpretation is right; I can see why that would be confusing though!

I'm going to have a more formalized feedback system set up somewhere probably next week, but this is fine for clarifications. 

You have access to both, it's a left over from when weapons only had one or the other; thanks for catching it!

Aw hell yeah! That's really exciting, I hope y'all enjoy the game. There is a map, we use it as the background graphic on the opening section and you can see a clean version of it below.
But keep in mind that time and space are in flux in Ald-Amura, distances can't be trusted, different people's maps might lead you to different places, and familiar roads can always be counted on to take you to unfamiliar doorsteps.

Absolutely; if we were ever gonna do a reprint it would be via a crowdfunder, the barrier is that we can only do one~ crowdfunder a year, and at least at the moment our priority tends to land on Cool New Thing.  When HELLPIERCERS is done and we're clear on our To-Do list, we'll be discussing a reprint more seriously for sure

big file has uncompressed assets is all, it's barely noticable.

On December 1st I'll put up one community copy for every copy we sold this month, should be at least 5!

We'd love to, honestly, but it's incredibly expensive and the interest in niche indie TTRPGs so low that we probably won't ever be able to afford to. If we ever make a ton of cash it'll be on the list of things we'll consider spending it on, everyone on the team shares this disappointment, I assure you.

You can get a couple copies on Ebay occasionally;

Hey, sorry, the campaign page has been up for some time right here;


Hyperlinks should be working fine now.

PDF hyperlinks don't work just yet but are coming soon!

You only really need a GM and at least one player. Some cards will reference other characters, but there are rules for players having more than one character. I've ran it with like 14 players once at a con and it was wild but functional, especially with how rapid fire the turnover can be.

I may do a limited soft cover style release at some point but it's expensive! Would be cool tho

Not yet, but should be imminently!

That detail with the mushroom cloud is so gd good`

Essentially, yeah. Should be adding some content for GMs before the KS launch that should clarify this

that said i'm hesitant to say anything for certain and 100% recommend you take a look at the relevant docs yourself before making any choices. Esp with the new version of OGL potentially coming soon, its a difficult time to say anything for sure, and that goes double since I'm not a lawyer 😅

I'm not 100% sure I'm  following, but I don't *think* you have anything to worry about. It's just not quite how the documents function, their inclusion doesn't itself convey a right, their inclusion is a condition of the rights being exchanged, if that makes sense.

(1 edit)

The idea, at least right now, is that we'll balance movement to be fairly powerful compared to attacks, and give you plenty of ways to attack and move as a single action (which effectively gives you two moves as well). The Action + Move tends to work pretty well in a lot of the digital games I'm drawing from, but who knows, there's certainly room to play around with the economy of it all when we get serious about play testing. Thanks for the interest!

Hey! So, two answers! Firstly, you're entitled to a download code for itch with your physical purchase, just email me at and I'll send you one

Secondly, we've got the character sheets up for free right here! - 

Have fun!

yeah, just email me sandypuggames (@)

Ce'st Magnifique! Ah! Beautiful!

What are you working on 👀

An outstanding collection of weirdos dripping with a perfect unique twist on Ald-Amuran weirdness. Nice work!

Yeah but folks who bought the physical book, or the PDF from a third party retailer, or whatever, might not have gotten them for a variety of reasons

already added to the page 😅 Awesome video! Huge thanks for pointing people our way!

I love this!

This is a *fantastic* review. Almost all of these make me wish the movies in question were real but this is one of the few that makes me believe it might be. Thanks!

Not at all! Glad for the chance to chat about it!