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Sangria Snake

A member registered Mar 27, 2017

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+This game just looks cool. Gives me some Lethal League and Jet Set Radio vibes.

+This game controls and feels so good. Better then Unitres because its a lot more focused on platforming then going fast. 
+Combat in this game is fuckin smooooth. How it works is you have light attacks, heavy attacks and a dash. You have a 2 pip stamina bar that regulates how much you can dash and heavy that fairly quickly regens. Your dash is key because this game has its own Witch Time. Dashing at the right time through an attack will give you a full time stop that lets you counter attack AND will heal one of your 4 pips of life. The game expects you to get GOOD at this too as bosses in this game do NOT fuck around. A thing to keep in mind is your time stop has a 10 second cooldown to keep you from abusing it but your dashes still have iframes. There is also Resonance. As you kick ass you will build a percentage that boosts your chance to do a critical hit and do big damage.

~I cant think of many negatives but I will say it WILL kick your ass. I fought the first boss like...god 12 times before I actually beat it? But iteration time is so small and you dont have lives that it hits that cycle of wanting to keep trying and get better. Super satisfying. 

+The game is VERY pretty in its level design and almost has a bit of a vaporwave vibe to the aesthetics which fit well for the style its going for.

+The game itself DOES feel pretty good. Attacks are quick and snappy, movement is responsive. Your main attacks have secondary functions like getting you more speed and adjusting your midair momentum.
+The soundtrack slaps.

-This game is kinda TOO visually busy and you can get going so fast that you LITERALLY have no idea where you are or what your doing.

-Hey did you like Sonic CD? Did you like Wacky Workbench? What if the whole game was like that but worse. This level design never gives you a SECOND to orient yourself. Your always being bounced or launched or flung wherever the game feels like. I spent most of my time in the damn air. You have practically NO sense of control.

-So one thing thats kind of a joke but also kinda annoying is your health doesnt have a cap. It kinda just...keeps going up as you pick up health items and there are SO MANY. Your health bar will literally wrap around the screen. So you cant really die via damage. Instead the game does what I "love". Instant death pits that are poorly marked. :D

So while I think its kind of a lot of dumb fun at first thats kinda all it is and eventually just devolves into frustration when you have no idea where to go. It embraces some of the wrong ideas from Sonic.