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A member registered Jul 21, 2021

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You need either HasteForge event, and some kind of +haste item, or, you need to kill them really darn fast.

Do not be affraid to trade health. And prepare some free space. Their curse rotation will kill you either by direct curse damage, or ramping regen and rage.

Best fast-kill canditates are archery, and burst mage.

If you are not running a status build [haste, rage, regen] you can make really good use of Cleansing potions.

Common softlock. Enemies with constant defence, constant heal, or constant Dodge <armadillo, sage, cultist> can, and will outramp their defence compared to your offence.

One constant way to beat them is to have at least 2poison damage per turn. At certain point you WILL stack that poison higher than their max HP.

Other way, working on Non-Cultist, is stopwatch or whetstone. You can, and will get more damage than they can defend for. Each use of whetstone is at least +9 allout damage. More if you got bonus energy.

Game is great, new Cultist and Sable give a new and different ways to approach battles.
Although cultist is annoying

Also, it is way overtuned on Endless, there are only handfulls of builds that MIGHT deal with this, and that is basically either Mage, or King Cleaver, OR, you need 1k damage burst on turn one
Bows might deal with it, they might not.

The only other way to deal with NG+ Cultist is poison. A lot of poison.

The 16 stacks of dodge on turn one? Good luck if it is Cultist Snake.

It might be intentional. If Vampiric sword and axe did not trigger on spikes, it would lead to inconsistencies.

It does have its use cases. Mainly, Haste Forge event. That +1 haste? Makes it so you do not lose haste buffs on you. Still, the moment you get two haste forges in a run, which is rare, it becomes a moot point.
Also, cultist exists.

I am not sure if this is intended, but, multiple golden whetstones stack additively. So, one gives you 1.25x mult, but two give you 2.5x mult, 3 give you 3.75x mult etc.

Yes, finding two is almost impossible on a standard run, even less 3 or more.

But, given how insanely Endless ramps up, i think this should stay as is.

Also, the game itself easily overshadowed half my AA library of games, i spent more time here than on anything else.