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A member registered Jul 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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In case if this doesn't download. please try a different browser. preferably Microsoft edge or something else.

Yeah, I know that bug. I had fixed it but accidentally uploaded the previous version of the game, since it was submitted I wasn't allowed to change so I left it.

I didn't understand how to play. Lack of tutorial.

It is not revealed how to attack. It was impossible to figure out what to do after getting into portal.

The game was very much fun. Also, the tutorial was simple and the game was easy to play. Unlike other games, the graphics were pleasing and not eye soring. Yet the idea was not very unique. The idea felt very redundant.

it was made in unreal engine 4.

The concept of the game is not very new but it was original enough. The game could have been made more fun since there was so little to do in the game.

Nice concept, It can be improved because the game is quite difficult. Hard to make zombies bite the humans.

Sorry, the game didn't start after the title screen. It had no instructions. I won't rate what I haven't got to play.

The game was unique and interesting. Tutorials where well designed. the bloom effect was way too much.

The controls were a bit hard at first.

Lack of explanation and tutorial in the game.

Well Enemy shouldn't be staying away from your for long because I have coded it to move closer to you if stays away for too long. May be there is a bug. Thanks for the feedback. I Learned something. It was my first Jam.