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A member registered Jan 01, 2021

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Not gonna lie rutsah, the bug regulator looks a bit plain, is early model is more unnerving imo, well that just my opinion and you know how dangerous is to have a opinion on internet, good luck developing the game, I am watching with great interest.

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Fine! Keep your secrets and your Forbidden Knowledge, Yog-Sothoth know what you did! 

Jokes aside, thanks for the answer, enjoy the rest of your twenty four hours.

Broken Reality RPG community · Created a new topic Lore
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So, we have the Black Goat and the King in Yellow, will the Crawling Chaos make some kind of appearance? And the Demon Sultan will have some kind of influence in the broken reality?   

And the Regulators? Are they present in lore of Lovecraft or they are creations of your sick mind? Not that I mind, I love the insanity events in the game, the more the better, the perk "forbidden knowledge" in the memory lane will have impact in events like the "evil twin" perk. The Forbidden Knowledge would make a good conversation starter with Lady Vixen, Azar, or maybe even Hana and the river ghost. 

Oh then I just misundertoad your reply, sorry, I did not see her in the game again after the bear encounter.

I already found her in that path, there is some class requirement? I am a blood magus, or maybe some variable like estrogen or testoterone.

how? Where in hell can I find this goat girl?

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Some questions:

Can you direct me to the location/character that starts the quest necessary to enter the mansion of the ironswords?

How do I start Azar quest?

Can you enter the magic academy? or do need some quest to do it? if try to enter, it will just describe the building.

The quest to find and destroy the nest of the creatures that steal sheep, can be completed? I cannot find the entrance for the lair.

Answer the questions or I tell everyone your internet history, that aside, glad to help you.

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If you go to hogwarts and ask for a tour with Azar and interact with the mermaid statue and choose the right options to charm her, the bug of the text box make another glorious return, seems it like romance events... 

If you buy the house in ToB, half of the door will vanish, 11000 for this kind of security...

Some questions:

Can you direct me to the location/character that starts the quest necessary to enter the mansion of the ironswords?

How do I start Azar quest?

Can you enter the magic academy? or do need some quest to do it? if try to enter, it will just describe the building. Obs: I am a Blood Magus.

The quest to find and destroy the nest of the creatures that steal sheep, can be completed? I cannot find the entrance for the lair.

hey rutsah, in the future we will be able to see our amount of testosterone and estrogen? Along with other values like academics, perception, our relationship with other chracters.

I am a blood magi, but I do not have the empathy heritage

and the signet ring corpse event can be repeated for maximum signet rings

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In the way to urbus, there is a path where you visit a farm, in this farm you can talk to little girl and she will say that she likes your ponytail and ask her mother/sister for one too, and the girl will be told to shut up, if take the path to this place the bug will pop up.

 another one that is present in the ver 2.3.9 with the text box sinking offscreen, the book that you can read with azar on the way to the boss minotaur, you can repeat the even without end and the text box will be changing size with it too, I tried to do this to fix the box but it did not work, the caves of the minotaur are full with this text bug.

Another one is with the viagra quest in urbus with the three sexy magus, if you select another option than "fight back" or "blood magus" if I am correct, they will act like they never met you, all the three with the exception of the blond one, the quest do not repeat itself.

h-scene with the berserk minotaur, if give continuation to the act is sprite body will vanish.

In illfang lake, the fight with the skeleton, If get wrong option you will repeat the fight until you get another option that advances dialogue, then if choose the wrong one again and start another fight, if you win, the fight will loop and start from the beginning without the chance to choose any option.

In the magus academy, you are stuck in the tiles in the instant you enter the maps and you cannot get close to the three magus that give the viagra quest because of the same type of tile.

In the cave to the mino boss, we find a angel statue and dialogue gets bugged when we talk with Azar about it.

When we met kaliska again in the way to illfang she acts like we never met? Is this a plot point? Or just a mistake in the story?

Do not worry Rutsah we will exterminate all these bugs.

Questions: We can interact with the steelswords in ToB? I cannot find their mansion. 

Where is the wererat h-scene? in ToB Sewers?

Will Minotaurs have more h-scene or that it? would be fun to make them be the ones receiving instead of the player.

Will you add a perk to the memory lane in the future that enables the player to make good and evil things at any time? I mean like with the dog treat situation, if you have a bad karma you have option to kill the dog, but if is neutral or good you do not have it. 

You can do it Rutsah, your game is marvelous, I love the lovecraftian theme, it give the chills sometimes.

when you enter the caves with Azar the dialogue box gets cut by the botton of the screen and you can only see the first line of dialogue, this goes for almost all the boxes

In the trinity church in the way to urbus, if you ask the pastor to heal you with a discount, you will be stuck in a loop with him repeating the dialogue and healing you forever

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Another one, if you to quick save during the talk with the collective this happens:

and I lost my good save for that... god fucking dammit

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Unable to find file: Audio/ME/ME_-_gameover_01

location: the collective conversation, when we make the magus go away by talking about the collective flawed logic and expanding influence

Ver: 2.3.8

Another one

If you join the join the collective and speak with him after, you will be stuck in the options of the conversation, it will keep repeating itself

another one

if you somehow get past the first audio bug and enter and win a fight against the collective and the other enemies, there will not have any dialogue after, and the art of Hector and the collective will be all merged, you can still move but you cannot talk with Hector, and the merged image will continue even if you get to another map.

And another one:

Ver: 2.3.8

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another one in horunka inn, after you pay a beer to hear the story, if you ask to hear it again , the game will crash with a warning

ver: 2.3.8

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another one in the TOB in the inn, if you choose the royal room instead of costing 400 col it cost just 50 the same as the normal room

ver: 2.3.8

Unable to find file: Graphics/Characters/!Shinies

Ver: 2.3.8

Location: when you enter the map where you have to give a dog treat to a dog that is blocking a chest and the ghost's quest to kiss a bear, happens soon as I start moving, luckily I could return to the other map

how is the development going? any predictions? love the game

do it, do it, do it, just do it, oh and by the way... do it