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A member registered Nov 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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OH, the game is intense!!! It's really immersive and actually quite a workout XD
It is however, super difficult. I also had issues with my claws grabbing and pushing things I didn't want to interact with, but once I got my claws a bit more figured out it actually felt really rewarding. I guess we could just see that as having died and needing to rediscover how your whole movement physics have changed :p 

I did end up quitting after failing to get past the bar next to the ladder and fell to the very beginning... So I kinda miss having a checkpoint (or maybe there was, since I did sparkle up a few times and then bounced out of control to the bottom XD) Unless....  You never intended us to leave! and the whole place is meant to signify hell! forever stuck in a loop of trying to get out but alas your unruly new body just won't help!!!

All in all I still really enjoyed the experience and loved having my new claws very much :D

Ah  that was such a relaxing office work experience (I got fired though).  I really enjoyed it! I'm so impressed by the VR experience XD I must have looked ridiculous standing in my living room smiling while stamping imaginary papers and handing them out to imaginary people. So thanks for that charming experience.
It's actually also my first time ever trying a VR apk. So also thanks for indirectly having pushed me towards setting up my Quest 2 for development :D

lol me too!! it's so funny seeing them run into a bloody mess XD

The title of this game and the artwork really drew me in xD 
I love how the controls of this game is so natural that even I who usually suck at playing games with keyboard and mouse could get the hang of it immediately <3

I had fun playing it!

That was an intense experience :D  I think I did pretty good with a score of 1340 :p   Legendary sniper apprentice Me 
Thanks for the fun experience!

Hiii! I love the idea of needing to die in order to continue with my life XD
But I do have difficulty dying ^^;;  so I didn't make it far :(
Congrats on your first completed game!!! :D

Wow your games are all so coool!