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A member registered Oct 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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I got stuck on the inviorment a lot, dont know if its becose of the movment or my lack of skill

10/10 for how accuret the boss was and thet one covorker that get me sick every time

Art is nice but its exreamly hard to play.

i dont know if its intended but the arow transformation does not last for longe and realy slow

i would recomend makeing the arow move faster  and also be abole to hit more then one target before turning back.

this game have grate potantiol and im looking forward to see if youre team will work more on it after the jam

naa you made the karen look way to cool.  look like some kind of rock star!

okay that was short but realy charming, art is adorabol and the and the last pic was realy funny

this is what i wish lock picking, hacking and things like it would be like in biger games like assassins cread

i feel like some bodys watching me

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i love games like this, i wish it was longer

i give this game 6 tweets out of /10

art was so cute and the music was so calming. ( most other games i have playd so far have rock music, so its nice to have some veraiaty)

took me a min to fully understand the movment but dam this is a high grade puzzel game!

im imprset by the art and the amount of levels there is

this fells like one of the internet games i playd as a kid. it was realy nice! last level was realy tricky but i recoverd

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I played keeping that in mind and  the only part I  noticed anything in terms of speed was when moving from one end of a long corridor, like in level two or level 3 when moving from one corridor to another on the opposite side of a room. (A dash option is definitely something I can add) 

Earlier in the game’s creation I did have a higher speed but it negatively affects accuracy, this is the speed I found that made it possible to control the character and not being a snail.

But for the after game jam update will have a dash for movement convenience 😁

Thank you ones again for your time 😊

I love Mr.Nuke he is so fun looking! the cover art is super cute and the art of the game and its animations are adorabol.

game play was not my cup of tea, but something like walls of pedestrians with one opening would increas the enjoyment in my opinion

music absulutly fire!

art is beateful!

i like the game play but i think it would need some balensing, i bult my self in to a corner and bacikly become imortal

I realy like this, to i would love this to have more effect interactions.

i seem to have a problem with the game frezing when i win, dont know if any one else have the same problem

just to cleara fy i loved the art, music and game play. the only thing i had i hard time with was the controls of the gun witch felt and i alsow asum was a game play feture. it was like playing flappy bird on crack and i loved it 


great game 8/10

this is evil

First thing first the what I like:

•blood healing skills are my favorite I games! I love that you had it in this game.

•music go’s hard!

•love the peaceful option (did get that spoiled by reading comments)

•also game play is really similar to phone games I play, so this game is a good fit for me over all!

now for things that can be improved:

•I notice that the red guy get stuck on trees and do not get free after (pro gamer move for anyone to make things a little easier)

•would love if music changed to something more peaceful after making everyone friendly 

• I noticed you seem to have the same problem I have with box’s getting stuck on walls.(if you ever figure out how to make that not happen please hit me up)  for any one reading this that want to know the best way to get it free it’s to run in to it. If you are in a more open space run in to it from the side you want it to go (this doesn’t work great in corridors)

Over all I had fun and did get all 3 endings, I am now the robot god!

If you have the time could you please elaborate why? Is it do to someone bug or something not working? Any information for improvement would be greatly appreciated 😊

In any case Thank you for taking your time playing 😁

Thank you! It means a lot to hear that (personally because I cringe when I hear my voice😂).

I did notice that walking in to the disk after you hit the wall makes you move through the disk, but I sadly couldn’t figure out how to fix it in time (some times it also gets stuck on the walls for some reason…don’t know why that is.)

Thank you so much for taking your time playing😁

If there are any other improvements you think I can make please feel free to share them😊

It has now been fixed, thank you ones again for bringing it to my attantion 

Oh no! I will fix that immediately! Thank you for bringing that to my attention. 

Thank you so much for playing ❤️

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I like the consept, can defenetly see two freinds siting next to one and other screaming XD

one thing i notest was some times i could not pick up the potions or when trying to add them to the coldren thy would start floting above it,  witch sadly tuck away from the experiens.

but i do think have potantiol to grow in to a game like keep talking and no buddy explodes

OMG! thy are bothe so cute! this is a great co-op game but it also works realy good as a solo game!

only thing i notest that looked a little buggy is the platform on lvl 2. it glitches every now and then.

great work over all and nice tuins

thank you so mutch for tacking your time to play  :)

is there anythink you think was missing or anything you realy liked about the game?

i would realy like to play your game but its not showing a browser option, even tho its saying there is one under the submintion tab. would you be abole to add it?


oh the use of sound was gret for bulding suspens!

thank you for playing!😊

I’m sorry to hear that, I will make sure to fix that after the jam

ah i see! Well different notes are for different steps, if you feel up for it I would suggest looking at the Albedo and seal of Solomon notes😁

Did you find the name of **his own**?

(2 edits)

Thank you for taking your time playing, what part do you find unresponsive? Is it where you enter the text for the triangles or is it that the code is not working for you? For the text you have to hit enter after typing it in to the textbar😊

Or if it about the frog? The frog is not supposed to be able to move, if you are able to do that then it’s a bug 

the name choice is brilent! to be honest coffe is the closedt thing to the elexer of life we mortals can get to

thank you for trying😁

Was it the code or the combing of items that was difficult?

thank you for playing :)

this this my cind of game ! i love it! the art is so cute to :)

every bug is a feature with the right mind set ;)

I had i great experience, examining patients and reading the nots had me feeling of being a doctor of the early medicine. The the learning process leaves opportunities for rp and joke like “oh you died? Walk it off.” Or “Damit dropped the medicine *shrugs and picks it up* who’s next?”

thank you so much for playing! I’m happy you liked it😁

What background was difficult to read on?

Anything you think I should change to try and prevent that others get lost in the future?

i re playd it just now and it feels so mutch better, great jobe

Thank you for telling me this

i love the use of color mixing and that the enemys not only came at me faster at hire levels but also had more colors on them