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A member registered Aug 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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I’m still on the fence about pregnancy content.
If pregnancy comes into play at all, it’ll be reserved for the very end of the game or perhaps a short ‘after stories’ chapter.

Officially, that's not something I foresee happening. However, it's likely that someone else will eventually create a Spanish version independently.

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts, but I'm sorry I cannot answer to your request.

Emasculation and submission will obviously be part of the game, but I don't intend to diminish her role as a futa to the extent you've implied.
Pertaining to Milly specifically, I have no plans for her to become a regular girl or experience pregnancy.But I cannot speak for the other main girls or futanari.

FWON will never have Futa on Male elements. However, my next game will focus on a femboy protagonist.
Details can be found somewhere in the comments section of Dev log #6 on patreon.

I have no plans to share cards of the main cast at least until the game is complete.

I thought more of you were aware, but 1.2.3b (netorare update) has been postponed for convenience.
The next version will be 1.3.1, which will continue the Netori path. More details will be provided in the Dev log, hopefully this weekend.

All in due time.

Depravity path, Futa on Futa to be specific. 

Yes, that's the most likely scenario.
NTR was always strongly planned for week 2, so I'll likely build it up then.

Erika has come to stay. In due time, she will join the main cast.

No, the Koikatsu animations aren't very appealing. You might want to consider alternatives, such as learning to use the Animation Timeline (custom animations.)

It's in version 1.2.2, follow the netori path.


Not at the moment.

I haven't completely dismissed the idea, but I also haven't made any concrete plans for one at the moment.

I cannot point out a specific date, but certainly in the upcoming weeks.

4 weeks have been planned at the moment.

The upcoming update is both delicate and controversial, featuring multiple paths that I'm attempting to keep engaging, particularly for players invested in that storyline.
I'm aiming to release a post, likely within this week, outlining my ETA for the next update, which might be as early as the beginning of next month.

Again, a notification will appear on the 'top-left corner' of your screen to prompt you on the path you've chosen.

And yes, there are 2 main paths:
- The Netori path (only netori with the main girls.)
_The Depravity path (Futa on Futa, Forced and Netorare.)

A notification will appear in the top-left corner of the screen to prompt you when you've made a significant choice.
However, content involving netorare, forced and futa on futa scenarios will mostly be categorized under the depravity path.

KK cards are not available. At least not yet.

She's a main girl as well. So yes, certainly in due time.

Honestly, I've never really given that much thought.

There are no plans for any type of Futa on male content in FWON. It's certain for future games, just not in this particular one.

12th of March

There were a couple of bugs that caused a delay. But it's out now.

I've given it some thought and actually went ahead to release one when I started.
I might consider putting the side characters out there, but I can't say when. As for the main characters, I'll probably release them once I've wrapped up the game.

Towards the end of the game, since this is a visual novel.

All forms of Futa on Male content or scenarios will not happen in this game.
Futa on futa and Male on Futa, however, will be added at some point as one off scenes, made available based on your choices.

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I haven't began plotting it out, so I haven't entirely settled on such decisions. There may be a hint of romance (yet to be decided), but none of the vanilla stuff.

Not yet.

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NTR path generally follows the usual kinds of NTR scenarios.
Depravity path is just one of the few paths that'll be available in the game. It follows consequences of holding back from the NTR path with extreme scenarios like forced sex, gangbangs, etc.
Mostly the kinds of scenarios some people might want to avoid.

Most likely not in this game. Certainly in my next one.

Yes, in such cases I will use 'san'. Overall, I'll keep things straightforward by sticking to "Ms. Futabu" for instance, without getting too heavy on the suffixes.

I share the sentiment, suffixes like "Ms." can be a bit odd in these games, I got that feeling in this update. So, I'll mix in some Japanese suffixes where they fit, mostly 'chan' because there aren't many words that can perfectly replace it. But we'll keep it casual with "Ms." as needed. 

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Lol, none of the rival futa will ever come close to her size.
But let's just say I have a bad ending scenario or two for our protagonist. I think you guys haven't considered the possibility of the protagonist getting bent over backwards herself. It might happen or it might not happen, I guess. 
However, there's nothing to be worried about since all netorare paths will be apparent and avoidable.

For the most part, yes.

It's 1.1.1, everyone's version numbering differs.
I'm going by

There will be futa on futa. I don't really plan on adding futa on male content.